Playing online casino games also known as online pokies in Australia, will give you a shot at living your life long dreams, including traveling to the most exotic places and having fun. There are plenty of places that you can go for your trips whether you are solo or with a loved one. If you do not have a traveling bucketlist, then here are a few suggestions for you.

The Maldives

Located just south of India, The Maldives is an archipelago nation made up of more than 1,200 islands. These are all located on the country’s western side of its Indian Ocean Island. This place has quite a lot of beauty, including white beaches, clear water, and lush greenery. It also offers great diving opportunities and other activities such as snorkeling and hiking. One way to get there is by taking a flight from Dubai to Male which is about two hours away.


This European country has some of the best architecture and art on Earth. You will love visiting this place because it has many different landmarks that you cannot miss out on. For example, the Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, Champs Elysees Avenue, Moulin Rouge, and much more! In addition to all these breathtaking sites, France is known for their food too. So even if you are only there for shopping, you should still try French cuisine because you won’t be disappointed.

Japan – Hiking & Mount Fuji Tour

The Japanese culture is extremely rich. There’s so much history to see there, like shrines, temples, castles, gardens, and mountains. Some examples of ancient shrines include: Senso-ji Temple, Kiyomizu-dera Temple, and Ginkaku-ji Villa. Other famous sights you need to see include the Shoso-in Shrine, Futarasan Shrine, and Mount Takao. Another awesome thing about Japan is how safe they make everything feel. People respect each other there; it doesn’t matter who you are, what time of day it is, or what kind of dress you wear. Japan is basically the perfect destination for fashionistas. And don’t worry — no one cares about whatever selfie you take. Your phone camera does just fine.