WASHINGTON — Sunday’s warning by Jake Sullivan , White House national security advisor, that China could “end up paying some of the costs of a Russian invasion” of Ukraine.

Russia already has 70% of the forces required to invade Ukraine. This was according to a U.S. official who had direct knowledge of the most recent government assessment. The announcement came as tensions in the region rise. China and Russia made a joint statement last week in which they opposed NATO expansion, criticized the U.S. for increasing tensions, and supported the Kremlin’s request for guarantees.

“We believe that Beijing will end-up paying some of the costs for a Russian invasion in Ukraine and that they should consider that when they consider their engagements to the Russian government over the coming weeks,” Sullivan stated on NBC’s Meet the Press.

The U.S. warned Vladimir Putin that Russia is facing “the mother of all sanction” in the standoff with Ukraine. Since weeks, the Biden administration has warned that a Russian invasion is possible. Russia denies any intention to attack the United States, but it has made bold security demands of NATO and the U.S.

Sullivan stated that sanctions aimed at Russia could have a direct effect on China. “They will go after the Russian financial system, which, of course, engages in the Chinese economy as well.”

On ABC’s “This Week”, he stated that China knows that it isn’t able to compensate Russia for economic losses that could result from our sanctions.

Sullivan stated that Russia’s decision to move forward will not only be a strategic loss to Russia but also if China is seen to have supported it, it may come at some cost to China in the eyes and ears of the rest of the world and other countries who are watching now and sending a clear signal that they prefer diplomacy to war.

When asked by reporters Sunday if Putin was looking for ways to de-escalate, President Joe Biden replied that he could not get certain things.

Fears of a large-scale invasion grew and Sullivan made three appearances on Sunday programs, reiterating that Russia could attack Ukraine at any moment.

“We are in a window,” Sullivan stated on Fox News Sunday. “Russia could decide to launch military action against Ukraine any day now. Or it could wait for a few weeks. Russia could also choose to follow the diplomatic route.”

The Biden administration declared last week that it would deploy approximately 3,000 troops in support of European allies in the standoff. John Kirby, Defense Department press secretary, stated that approximately 1,000 U.S. soldiers currently stationed in Germany will be moved to Romania “in coming days” in support of a similar number.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield (ambassador of the United States to the United Nations), stated Sunday that the U.S. was “still working to discourage Russia from making the wrong decision and choosing confrontation.”

Thomas-Greenfield stated that while we will work to find a diplomatic solution, “we also know that the Russians continue their preparations and we will be working towards solving the security issues.”

Marco Rubio (Republican from Florida) said that Putin would have to pay a “high cost” if he invades Ukraine.

Rubio, who is a member the Intelligence and Foreign Relations committees said that he would have to pay the price. He also suggested that other countries should see the high cost of doing such things on CBS’s Face the Nation. Rubio added that Russia’s economy should be destroyed if it moves on Ukraine.