He is best known for his transformation of the office as vice president and becoming a key advisor to President Jimmy Carter.

At a service to honor Walter Mondale, former Vice President, President Joe Biden spoke at the Northrop Auditorium in Minneapolis. Biden closed by saying that Fritz was a great man.

MINNEAPOLIS — President Joe Biden honored Walter Mondale, his “friend of fifty decades”, on Sunday. He was visiting the University of Minnesota to pay tribute to the former vice president and Democratic Party elder, whose memorial service was delayed by the pandemic for a year.

Mondale, who was 93 years old, died April 20, 2021. His role in transforming the office for the vice presidency, which Biden held for eight years as President Barack Obama’s, is well-known. He also expanded its responsibilities and became a key advisor to President Jimmy Carter.

Biden described Mondale as “a giant in American politics history”, and referred to Mondale as “Fritz.” Biden also said Mondale was “toughest and smartest man I’ve ever worked alongside” as both a Senate colleague and mentor during Obama’s presidency. 2, and later, as president.

Biden spoke out in support of Mondale’s empathy and recalled his promise to unify the country during the 2020 presidential election. This is something that the president has been trying to do in recent weeks. He wants to draw a sharper contrast between his administration, and congressional Republicans who oppose it on almost every major issue.

Biden stated, “It wasn’t Fritz who lit the path.” Everybody deserves dignity. Everybody.”

Biden also spoke highly of Mondale, saying that he “united people sharing the light, shared the same hopes — even though we disagreed, it was important.”

“It is up to us all to reflect the light Fritz was about.

The 90-minute, invitation-only service took place inside a beautiful campus auditorium. It featured plenty of organ music. Biden received a standing ovation after he said that he had spoken with Mondale’s family before the service and “got emotional”.

Tina Smith, Democratic Senator, called Mondale a “bona-fide political celebrity” who still gave time to minorities back in Minnesota. Josie Johnson, a Minnesota civil rights icon, spoke about Mondale’s listening skills and his commitment to inclusion.

Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar recalled once being an intern who would climb under chairs and tables to complete a furniture inventory while Mondale was vice-president.

“That was my first job at Washington. Klobuchar stated that Walter Mondale was the reason she became a senator. She noted that Mondale encouraged Klobuchar to run for office and taught her how to spell her name.

Democratic Governor. Tim Walz stated that Minnesota might be more known for being Mondale’s home than the moniker “The Land of 10,000 Lakes” and praised Mondale’s intelligence, humility, humor, and optimism.

He embodied joy. Walz stated that he lived every day of his life. “At the age of 91, he still fished for walleye. He caught some, unlike me.

An information booklet was distributed to participants for the “afternoons of remembrance, reflection”. Quoted from Mondale’s 2010 book “The Good Fight”: “I believe the greatest assets of the country are our fundamental decency and our sense of justice, fairness, and our love of liberty. And that steering by their star is the only way forward.”

The back cover featured Mondale’s face alongside the slogan “We told truth.” We obeyed all laws. We obeyed the law.” Klobuchar said that they kept the peace after Carter’s then-vice president had made them.

Mondale graduated from the University of Minnesota’s law school. The building is named in his honor. Biden was visibly tearful as “Tomorrow” from “Annie” was performed. The service ended with the marching band of the university, who sent people off with “Minnesota Rouser”, a fight song.

Mondale followed the example of his political mentor Hubert H. Humphrey. He was Minnesota’s attorney general and then he succeeded Humphrey as senator. From 1977 to 1981, he was Carter’s vice-president.

Mondale lost the 1984 presidential election to Ronald Reagan, one of the most unbalanced. After telling voters that he would tax raise if he wins, he carried only Minnesota and District of Columbia. He made history by choosing Geraldine Ferraro of New York as his running mate. This was the first major-party nominee that included a woman on the ticket.

Mondale was a prominent Democratic voice for many decades and served as Ambassador to Japan under President Bill Clinton. After Sen. Paul Wellstone’s death in a plane accident, Mondale was drafted to run again for the Senate in 2002. Mondale was defeated by Republican Norm Coleman in the short-lived race.