MILAN – The competition bill risks getting bogged down again. On the issue of bathing concessions, there is still no agreement within the majority, with the 5 Star Movement declaring itself opposed to any hypothesis of extension. “It seems surreal, as suggested by the drafts that circulate, a further extension to 5 years by indefinitely postponing the competitions on the basis of the mapping” of the bathing concessions, wrote deputies and deputies of the M5s in the EU Politics Commission in a note. “Providing a ‘golden power’ for the beaches means trivializing the concept of national security, which would only be a screen for the lobbies that have been blocking reforms for decades”, they add, rejecting “any possibility of an extension, which would be dismantled in every court of law. Italy as already established by the Supreme Court “.

“As a 5 Star Movement we have always supported a reform of the state-owned concessions sector. Together with President Conte we have put our face to face by meeting the categories and companies active in the sector. Thanks to this collaborative spirit, accompanied by a serious and constructive commitment, we have arrived at the integral reform of the sector, voted unanimously in the Council of Ministers “, underline the deputies of the M5s, according to which” knowingly or not, whoever speaks of extensions today is still offering seaside entrepreneurs years of uncertainty, appeals and economic damage. Enough controversy, false promises and hypocrisy – they conclude -: a reform already exists. The one voted by the whole majority in the Council of Ministers unanimously “.

Yesterday it seemed that a possible point of decline of the confrontation within the Majority could be a 5-year extension of the deadline for putting up to tender the already occupied state-owned areas, currently expiring on 31 December 2023, as decided last autumn by the Council of State.