The political case that has divided (not only) Como continues to live and discuss there: on social networks. With sparks at a distance between the now former candidate for the Doha Zaghi municipal elections and Carlo Calenda. The leader of Action, who excluded the fetish dominatrix from the Agenda Como 2030 list, keeps the point. Reiterating on Twitter that no, in being a mistress there is “nothing wrong”, but “it does not qualify for politics. Otherwise, everything is valid and it is useless to criticize the 5S”. She, aka Lady Demonique, will also have had to give up the electoral race, but not the vis polemica. And if she had already declared herself “disappointed” by Calenda, but now she is relaunching on Facebook: “I thought it was enough to have good ideas, some juridical-economic competence, not to have committed crimes and not to be in collusion with the Mafia. And instead, it was better to be born a Salvinian at this point”.

The rush to the Doha Zaghi City Council lasted just a few days. Not even the time to present his candidacy in the Agenda Como 2030 list (Action, Italia Viva, Europe and Volt) in support of the aspiring center-left mayor Barbara Minghetti, that Action, or the party in which it plays, has backed down. Adventure over. With a stop arrived, right on Calenda’s Twitter: “Guys, joking aside, obviously I did not know the past of the lady in question. If it were private facts, nothing quaestio, but I would say that there are no conditions for her to be a candidate of Action “

Because the question, after all, that continues to stir seems to be: can a dominatrix, a mistress protagonist of BDSM videos, become a city councilor? This is what they ask, in a provocative way, on Twitter from Calenda. “Carlo, I’m sorry but what incompatibility do you see between running for Action and being a dominatrix?”. Calenda’s response: “Maybe some discrepancy between CV and work to be done in the City Council? What the hell are you asking?” Again: “Carlo, however, there are people who have these tastes and pay for a service, what’s strange?”. Calenda’s new thrust: “Nothing wrong with that. However, it does not qualify for politics. Otherwise, everything is worth it and it is useless to criticize the 5 Stars”. And the politician also reserves an attack for the press: “Today there are 30 articles on the former dominating candidate. I finally figured out how to get in the newspapers. Other than a plan on nuclear power or the replacement of Russian gas, we have to throw ourselves on other shores. Other than that. study center. Whips and handcuffs. An asteroid is not enough “.

However, Doha Zaghi also launches a sort of challenge to politics. And, from his Facebook profile, he denounces: “I hope that after today all parties will make a blacklist of professions, so that there can be no embarrassment eh. But also give a list of things you can do and not do to apply , a sort of etiquette “.