Ronald Araújo was the player who got the worst of it when in the 60th minute of the Barça-Celta match at the Camp Nou he suffered a concussion after a head-on collision with Gavi. He vanished onto the grass. Although he did not lose consciousness, he had to leave the Barça fiefdom by ambulance to spend the night in the Barcelona hospital. The protocol with the concussions calls for at least five days of rest as a precaution and although Araújo completed the last training session, the doctors recommended that he not travel to Getafe in the penultimate league game. But what about Gavi? Although the youth squad was able to get up and continue playing against Celta, he has also had to follow a protocol of action and prevention similar to that of Araújo. During this week, Gavi has tested his memory by repeating words and has also undergone physical tests to verify that the head-on collision did not affect him. After several days of medical follow-up, the club’s doctors ruled that there was no problem and that Xavi could count on him.