We can celebrate the weekend in Valencia, in the Jardines de Viveros, its ‘Spring Festival’, two days of music and talks with politicians and activists in tune with the party. It is a kind of festival, with groups on the bill, and for which you have to buy a season ticket. The second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, leader of United We Can in the Government, will not attend. She was invited, they underline in Podemos. But from Díaz’s environment they explain that for “personal reasons” that she cannot postpone she will not be able to be.

This new sit-in further accentuates the distance between her and the party; joins a string of gestures and mutual slights and confirms what the vice president’s priorities are.

An act closed to the social and political satellites of Podemos, it is clear that it is not the reference activity for a policy that appeals to “add” and overcome the walls of United We Can. On the poster: Mertxe Aizpurua (Bildu), Joan Tardá (ERC), deputies from Podemos, spokespersons for the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH). In roman paladino: it brings him very little for his project to attend acts surrounded by the purple political and media ecosystem.

But on Wednesday, the vice president attended the presentation of the book by Mónica García, leader of Más Madrid, together with Íñigo Errejón, from Más País. And in San Isidro the three of them were seen together for the holidays, although nothing was done because it coincided and there was a photograph with Ione Belarra, leader of Podemos and partner in the Government, who was also there.

Also in April, Díaz and Errejón had a first approach in an act on mental health and job insecurity, without Podemos. In case the priorities are still not understood, just a week after the Podemos party, on May 27, Díaz will travel to Valencia. There, she will participate in the ‘Four Day Week International Summit’, in an event to discuss the four-day working day.

These conferences will also bring together Errejón; the financial manager of Podemos and Secretary of State for Social Rights, Nacho Álvarez; the mayor of Valencia de Compromís, Joan Ribó; the deputy of Más Madrid Héctor Tejero and the general secretaries of CC.OO. and UGT, Unai Sordo and Pepe Álvarez. There is no doubt that more diverse profiles are cited here. An environment in which she is interested in being photographed.

Plurality: yes. We Can Only: No. The tensions that this attitude generates are so strong that his relationship with Pablo Iglesias, former leader of Podemos and predecessor in the Government, worsened. Also the distance between him and Belarra and Irene Montero, Minister of Equality. In October, he also did not attend the ‘Autumn University’ that the purple party held in the Madrid town of Rivas. “Schedule incompatibility”.

In November, he participated in the political act in Valencia together with Ada Colau, Mónica Oltra and the leader of Más Madrid. The Podemos ministers were not invited and did not go, and from that moment the atmosphere became tense. And a lot.