The PP could sit idly by in its opposition task and nothing would happen, because the national and international organizations are already there to throw jugs of cold water on the government’s economic optimism every day and to warn of the emergency situation that Spain is experiencing . This was recognized yesterday by the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, after a Steering Committee, chaired by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in which the “economic alarm” experienced by citizens was analyzed. Gamarra referred to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of Spain, the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (Airef) and Funcas, which have cooled the cheerful expectations of the Government and have warned of the consequences of its economic policy


The economy continues to focus the political message of Feijóo, who keeps his anti-crisis plan on the table, that 41-page document that he sent to Sánchez and from which he received no response from La Moncloa. Yesterday, the general secretary of the PP invited the Prime Minister to reconsider the rejection of all the proposals put forward by the PP leader, to alleviate the crisis that is worsening with each passing day. The popular ones trusted in the parliamentary processing of the decree-law that the Government approved thanks to Bildu, to be able to introduce amendments and some of Feijóo’s proposals. But, according to sources in Genoa, this process is totally paralyzed and has not advanced in three weeks. Gamarra launched a shocking fact to demonstrate that economic alarm that Spain is experiencing: «With its policy, the Government indebts the Spanish every day by 200 million euros».

In this situation, Feijóo maintains his strategy of seeking agreements and meeting points with the Sánchez government to improve the situation. This week he is putting the focus on the new regional financing system, which is still pending approval since the one still in force expired in 2014. The popular ones are ready to sit down with the Government to advance in the debate on financing in the face of “suffocation » of the autonomies, and propose a model based on people, and not on territories, to cover the costs of all public services. The PP wants to prevent Sánchez from using the financing to satisfy his pro-independence allies, and for this reason he defends a multilateral negotiation, between the 17 communities, that is not based on the territories.

After a few days in which the territorial debate has created confusion within the PP, due to Feijóo’s open defense of ‘nationalities’, and due to Elías Bendodo’s statement, later rectified, that Spain is a multinational State, Gamarra made it clear that his party defends Article 2 of the Constitution in its entirety. And as Feijóo already did, he recited it: «The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards, and recognizes and guarantees the right to autonomy of the nationalities and regions that comprise it and solidarity between all of them. The term ‘nationalities’, which is very unpopular in some sectors of the PP, will continue like this in the usual discourse of Feijóo and his team.