The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has supported Isabel Díaz Ayuso at the closing of the PP Congress in Madrid, in which the Madrid regional leader has been elected at the head of the regional party with 99.12 percent of the votes. Feijóo, who gave Ayuso the final speech in the congress, although it was not planned this way, has praised the leadership of the Madrid president, but has warned: “I have come to set homework.” The list has not been small. To begin with, he has asked the entire party to deal with what is important, the economy, and not get lost in smokescreens or internal debates. And he has urged the Madrid PP to improve its majorities in the regional and municipal elections of May 2023, with Ayuso and Almeida as great electoral posters.

Feijóo has acknowledged that he and Ayuso are different people, from different generations, with different formations and trajectories, but both share the same thing: “That one comes to politics to serve and not to be served. The only objective we have is to get it right. We both want the institutions to contribute to the improvement of the economy, and the well-being of citizens. And we have to protect the institutions”.

The leader of the PP has warned that the fundamental thing is that the party dedicates itself to responding to the problems of the citizens, and if they observe that they get involved in “minor issues” they will no longer be useful and they will not vote for them.

Feijóo has praised Ayuso because she is a leader who resembles her territory like no one else, as she has said. “The greatest success of this congress, that of Isabel, is that she is the president that most resembles Madrid, and I am convinced that this party is already the party that most resembles Madrid.”

The national president of the PP has referred to the crisis that the party has experienced, with the Madrid congress as a trigger. “We all know that this congress had been pending for too long. Extending ourselves is an exercise in nostalgia that leads nowhere. We have been too busy with internal issues, but I do not spend a second on it. I am not interested in the past, but in what is going to pass. The parties that represent the past lose the elections”.

Feijóo has denounced the weakness and division of the Sánchez government, “but the division, the lack of preparation and its weakness are the least of its problems.” “While we are talking about his division, we are not talking about the problems of Spain”, that this country has the highest inflation in Europe or that it is at the bottom in recovery after the pandemic, he has warned.

He has even used the Tezanos CIS to underline that, as three out of four Spaniards affirm, the economic crisis and unemployment are the main problems that people have. And that is why he has warned: “I do not want to waste time or energy in debates and controversies that go nowhere. We will not waste time or get entangled in the smoke screens that the Government puts up to distract from the main problems”.

Feijóo has confessed that he knows very well that the people of Madrid do not like impositions. “I know,” he stressed. In fact, Ayuso told him directly when he went to Madrid to present his candidacy for the national presidency of the PP. “But I have come to set homework,” he recalled. Thus, he has indicated that there is one year and one week left for the municipal and regional elections. “We have to offer solid candidates, reasons to trust us. We are going to win the next municipal and regional elections in Madrid. There will be more mayors than in previous mandates and our friend Almeida will continue to be mayor of Madrid, I am sure.”

The leader of the PP has explained that he is already registering at the Madrid City Council, so Ayuso will be its president.