Over the next two years, the Generalitat Valenciana will convene a total of 22,721 competitive examination places in health (9,736), education (9,152), general administration and the instrumental public sector (3,833), with the aim of putting an end to “precariousness” in the civil service and that the interim rate drops to eight percent.

It is an extraordinary and “historic” public job offer, the highest in the history of the Valencian self-government, and will be approved in the plenary session of the Consell this Friday. The exams will be announced during 2022 with the forecast that they will end in 2024.

This has been advanced by the President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, after a meeting with the Minister of Finance, Arcadi Spain; the regional secretaries of Education, Miguel Soler, and Health Efficiency, Concha Andrés, and the general director of Public Administration, David Alonso.

Puig has advocated stabilizing the situation of officials to provide better services in these basic areas, through oppositions that will be added to the offers and processes underway. She has thus called to “give muscle” to public health, “educate for the future” and improve care for citizens.

The intention of the Generalitat is to approve the decree in the next plenary session of the Consell, with the call for the OPE corresponding to 2022 together with the extraordinary one, and that all offers are published before June 1. Subsequently, the forecast is to convene the procedures at the end of 2022 so that they can be carried out in the next two years.

By areas, in Health there will be 9,171 places by merit competition, 449 from categories declared to be extinguished by competition, 43 internal promotion and 34 by competition-opposition, along with the 151 convened for 2022 in an ordinary way. This will make it possible to reduce temporary employment among these workers, which is currently around 30% of all professionals.

In Education, 7,555 places will be offered by merit competition and 1,597 by competition-opposition. All will be aimed at non-university teaching staff, both in Infant and Primary as well as Secondary, Baccalaureate and FP. The objective is that the temporality goes from the current 50% to 8%.

And in Justice and public function, 3,094 will be convened by merit competition (without exam), 759 by internal promotion and 574 by competition-opposition, in addition to the reservation of 131 places for people with functional diversity. With this extraordinary OPE and the stabilization processes already underway (5,490 jobs), 8,584 jobs will be stabilized.

“We are facing a decisive step forward to strengthen the Generalitat and give workers a future perspective that guarantees their own life project,” Ximo Puig summed up.