There are 365 days left before the municipal elections are held in Galicia. And each one of them, according to the general secretary of the Galician Popular Party, Paula Prado, “is an exam.” Thus, the PPdeG has “313 objectives” for next May 28, 2023, one for each Galician council, which they will achieve, Prado said, “with the best candidates, teams and a common president.” He hopes to have “313 good news” by that date.

Currently, almost half of the Galician councils have a popular mayor, a figure that they will try to increase in the next municipal elections. Prado has insisted that the Popular Party is the “preferred by the Galicians”, and defends that it is the only political formation in Galicia that represents »moderation and stability«.

“We feel that Galicia continues to trust us after a process of change and with a new president”, declared the general secretary. “The Popular Party is still the party that most resembles Galicia and we are the only one that has our feet on the ground,” she said. Likewise, Prado has been “excited” with this “new stage on the road” whose goal is the municipal elections, of which she assures that the PPdeG “will be launched for the fifth absolute majority of the Government of the Xunta”.