The president of the Popular Party of the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón, has disfigured the left-wing parties that are “incapable of understanding that when taxes are lowered, public services are reinforced” as, in his opinion, “is demonstrated in the autonomies where the PP governs”.

Mazón, who has participated this Saturday in an act with militants in Elche (Alicante) together with the local president and senator, Pablo Ruz, and the territorial senator of the PPCV Alberto Fabra, has defended that the policies of lowering taxes “generate well-being, growth economy, job creation and strengthen public services.

The PPCV president has encouraged all militants to “get out of the offices and take to the streets.”

“We have to tell people about our project and listen to what citizens think. The PP likes to listen and receive proposals », he has expressed, according to the formation in a statement.

In this sense, Carlos Mazón has assured that hand in hand with the PPCV “the inheritance tax is going to disappear.” «We are going to discount it at 99 percent, which is the maximum that the law allows us. We also want the gift and estate tax to be eliminated,” he promised.

«With the money in the pockets of the self-employed, of SMEs, of entrepreneurs, well-being, economic initiative and employment are generated for all. But above all, public services are reinforced. The left is incapable of understanding that when taxes are lowered, public services are reinforced, as we are demonstrating in the autonomies where the PP governs », he added.

Thus, he has pointed out that the lowest incomes “will reach a 30% reduction only in the regional section of personal income tax” and has opted to “help the lowest incomes and end the confiscatory desire and the fiscal hell that the Valencians with the fiscal policies of Puig».

The president of the PPCV has announced that, in the event that he comes to govern, the transfer tax “will be progressive, according to the price of the house.” “It is going to be a general drop to boost the housing market because it will generate more activity, more VAT collection and therefore, more collection, but not at the cost of crushing people but of reactivating economic activity”, he has expressed. .

«For young people under 35 years of age we will make a super reduced rate, from 10% to 3%. This measure will also be beneficial for people with disabilities, large families and for small municipalities at risk of depopulation, we will maintain that rate of 3% »he specified.