Mercadona joins the Kilo de Primavera Operation organized by the Spanish Federation of Food Banks from May 30 to June 4. The company chaired by Juan Roig makes its points of sale available to the campaign for fundraising.

In the province of Valencia, more than 145 Mercadona stores participate, where the bosses, as the company calls its clients, will be able to make monetary donations, multiples of one euro, at the time of purchase at checkout. The amounts donated will be transformed into food to be delivered to each of the participating Food Banks. Mercadona collaborates in this social initiative with the commitment to encourage customers to participate in this solidarity event.

So far this year, the company has donated 108 tons of food and essential products to the eight soup kitchens, food banks and other social entities with which it collaborates in the province of Valencia. This donation at the end of April is equivalent to 1,804 shopping carts.

According to company sources, one of Mercadona’s commitments to society is to share part of what it receives from it. With this objective, the company’s Social Responsibility Plan is developed, which addresses the social and ethical component through different lines of sustainable action that reinforce its commitment to shared growth.

Along with donating food, Mercadona collaborates with 32 foundations and occupational centers to decorate their stores with trencadís murals, made by more than 1,000 people with intellectual disabilities.

Another strategic line of the Social Responsibility Plan is sustainability. To do this, it has its own Environmental Management System, based on the principles of the circular economy and focused on logistics optimization, energy efficiency, waste management, sustainable production and the reduction of plastic.

In this sense, Mercadona, together with its Totaler suppliers, is working on Strategy 6.25 to achieve a triple objective by 2025: reduce plastic by 25%, make all packaging made of this material recyclable, and recycle all plastic waste. In addition, it works on the Sustainable Urban Distribution Project and on improving air quality in our cities through trucks and vans powered by cleaner and more efficient technologies.

Since 2011, it has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact for the defense of fundamental values ​​in terms of human rights, labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.