The president of Val de Garonne AGglomeration (VGA), as well as representatives from the consular chambers, congratulated the AAC’TION check winners for their dedication. 23 recipients received aid in the amount of around 50,000 euros from the Val de Garonne. They were working in agriculture, trade, crafts, and other areas.

Since 1999, 500 companies have been assisted by the system. The territory has demonstrated great consistency in its support of the embellishment at points of sale. “Especially since it has been reassessed upwards, and the base of supported companies expanded to be able offer more possibilities, chances of claiming them”, recalled Jacques Bilirit (president of the Agglo), during a ceremony organised at one of three Toninquoise laureates (10 Strict Opticiens) by Fabienne Eucher.

“We are pleased to reward those who believe in the future and continue to invest in improving reception conditions for our customers in towns and the countryside.

Finally, representatives of the Chambers of Agriculture, Commerce and Trades reminded that they were still available to support any future projects.