Vox, Cs and PP have agreed this Wednesday to present as soon as possible, surely today, a request for an opinion to the Council of Statutory Guarantees (CGE), an advisory body of the Generalitat of Catalonia that evaluates the regulations in the regional framework, so that it determines the legality of Decree Law 6/2022 of the Catalan Government, which establishes the criteria applicable to the preparation, approval, validation and review of linguistic projects in educational centres. The final validation of the decree law must be done in the Parliament of Catalonia in 30 days, so the strategy of the three groups, in this case, will not paralyze its approval within the provisions of the nationalist groups.

The three groups, as official sources of all have confirmed to ABC, will sign the request for an opinion to the CGE, since separately they do not meet the minimum to be able to do so, and will join the one that they already presented before the same regional consultative body Vox, Cs and PP (jointly) and that, this yes, paralyzed the express approval of the law of official languages

, which in addition to ERC and Junts signed PSC and the commons. The CGE will make public its opinion on this rule this week and the law will be approved in plenary next week, if there are no last minute changes.

The text of decree law 6/2022 is the basis of the argument used by the Ministry of Education to allege before the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) “legal impossibility” to comply with and comply with the December 2020 ruling of the same regional court and that the mandatory execution period set by the TSJC ended yesterday. As of today, all schools and institutes in Catalonia must teach 25% of their classes in Spanish, including at least one core or analogous subject in Spanish.

Inés Arrimadas, leader of Cs, has indicated that the agreement to present to the CGE the request for an opinion on the decree law is “good news for Catalan families” and Vox sources have pointed out to this newspaper that, in addition, they will carry the decree law before the Constitutional Court “to request its annulment”. An annulment, or at least a suspension, which only a few hours ago the ranks of the liberal party demanded from the Government, since a resource from the Executive of Pedro Sánchez does paralyze the application of the decree law.

For its part, from the PP they also pointed out this Tuesday that they will raise the complaint before the High Court. Lorena Roldán, popular deputy in the regional Parliament, indicated that “we are going to fight so that the sentence is carried out and to defend the rights of children and the future of our young people.” And she accused the Catalan Government of carrying out “a prevarication” when approving a decree law whose sole objective is to breach a final sentence. The CGE has twelve days, since the contested one is a decree law, to respond to the request of Vox, Cs and PP.