The CCOO union has pointed out that in Castilla-La Mancha 51% of university students who work four years after finishing their degree have an indefinite contract, “a percentage that is eight points below the national average, and it is to be hoped that the situation can improve as of this year with the new regulation of hiring arising from the labor reform agreement».

The Secretary for Training of CLM Workers’ Commissions, Encarna Sánchez, has assessed these data that appear in the new statistics on the employment of university graduates, a report from the Ministry of Universities that analyzes the current employment situation of students who have finished their career in the 2015-2016 academic year.

The report places Castilla-La Mancha as one of the communities where the percentage of indefinite contracts after four years of finishing the degree is lower, although the differences are not great: «The national average of 58.91% of indefinite and in Castilla-La Mancha we are at 51.03%».

The communities of Andalusia, Extremadura and the Basque Country are left behind. The Community of Madrid and Catalonia have, by contrast, the best indicators, they point out from the union.

According to Sánchez, the limitations on temporary hiring and the new regulation of training contracts (alternating and for professional practice), introduced by the labor reform, “will contribute to providing stability to the hiring of our young university students, a fact that will have a positive impact on the sustainable development of our production system, which is extremely dependent on the qualifications of the workers”.

The report, according to CCOO, also points out some interesting elements, such as that there is an average affiliation rate to Social Security of almost 73%, and among them 7.34% are self-employed, “with hardly any differences between public and private universities when you look at who is working after four years and who already has an indefinite contract».

The regional secretary for Training has also highlighted that if we disaggregate the data by sex, we find that male graduates have a permanent hiring rate 13 points higher than the hiring rate of female graduates.

The gender wage gap that exists between male and female university students is no less relevant: «The contribution base of women graduates with a job after four years of finishing their university career is 26,817 euros per year, when that of men exceeds 29,000 euros».

Sánchez concludes that “we must continue working to increase the professional qualification of the people of Castilla La Mancha, giving special importance to the continuity and development of university and scientific policy, promoting their access, increasing their resources and promoting research, innovation and coordination with professional training in the educational and labor spheres».