The city of Toledo is already decked out for Corpus Christi. The entire processional route has been prepared for days to receive the Custody through its streets. Every year, the Toledo City Council and the Pro Corpus Board ensure that everything is ready, providing the residents of the houses with the necessary decoration, with banners, garlands, lanterns and baskets of flowers. This year more than 2,200 decorative elements have been installed, 2,100 linear meters of awning, 102 heritage lanterns, 330 colored banners and 346 pastry chefs throughout the route.

And the owners of buildings also collaborate in this process, such as those of the Posada de la Sillería hotel, who have covered their windows and balconies with banners made by hand, sewn by hand for several weeks; one of them is a beautiful confectioner that represents the coat of arms of the city of Toledo and the rest are related to the Corpus festivity and the coats of arms of this Toledo family have also been represented, which has lived Corpus Christ intensely for decades and, this year, for the first time, since this hotel that was inaugurated in the midst of a pandemic, just over a year ago.