Weather conditions have led the Sardinha Cup fleet to sail north along the Portuguese and Galician coast. Which, after 24 hours of regatta, the leaders are located through the port of A Guarda located north of the mouth of the Miño River when it is 12:45 p.m. on Wednesday, June 15, 2022.

Tom Paperche and Morgan Lagravière are doing a good job aboard the «Region Bretagne – CMB», which maintains a hand in hand with the duo Achille Nebout – Pierre Quiroga who sails aboard the «Amarris – Primeo Energie»; sailing in sight.

The fleet that remains quite compact after the first day of regatta, since it is all within a radius of 8 miles, although some have opted for a route further away from the Portuguese coast, such as Charlotte Yven and Pierre Daniellot (Team Vendée Formation -Bottes Fondation) or the brothers Yannig and Erwan Livory (Interaction).

There are no big strategic decisions to make during the day, apart from continuing to climb the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula as fast as possible with a wind that, although it will strengthen, will change a little in all directions, going from east to northeast and then northwest, before turning southwest overnight. In other words, the entire wardrobe will be in a state of flux aboard the 22 Figaro Beneteau 3!

We will see as the fleet evolves parallel to the Galician coastline during the next 150 miles to Cape Ortegal before entering Gulf of Biscay waters.