In the series “life signs” turn of the deacon Christian Horak and his Team of short Videos. So you want to use the digital channels as a contact to believers. That the offer is accepted, confirm numbers by the users.

Wolfratshausen – The rain drums relentlessly on the roof of the hunter stands in the Background of the movie Thunder is heard. “Yes,” is hearing this noise intermittently the voice of a man, “because you only notice how great the person is created, he can go on for hours in the rain through the forest, and it means nothing to him – our mobile phone, however, after five minutes of raining his mind to be.”

“life-sign”: a deacon uses digital channels as a contact to believers

the man in The black-and-red wind jacket is a deacon, Christian Horak, turning here in the mountain forest for believers and those interested in a cell phone video. “Life-signs” is the name of the series, in addition to Horak pastoral assistant Gabriele Seidenader, deacon Stefan Schmitt, deacon Intern Oskar Ehehalt and pastor Gerhard Beham different topics and on their way to the viewer to bring with pictures, or as if one meets by chance and now about God and the world. “The wanted,” says Horak, “because I’m – ordination or not – a normal person who tells others what to give him in life: Faith in Jesus Christ.”

The term “life-sign” is not chosen without thought. For one, you are even a sign of life. “For the second, you can and should also in any way a sign for life – and for me as a Christian, Jesus Christ is the strongest sign of life. He himself said: ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.“

Popular Format for children

in Addition to the life-sign to be Corona maintained – have been set since the end of March celebrations of the Eucharist in the channel, so that the faithful could celebrate with the familiar pastors on the spot. Likewise, it is sent once a week there is a sung Vespers with the assistance of Church musician, Mark Ehlert. And the offspring are also not to short: “In the Requested Format will be given to children the opportunity, time to check it out, why what is like with our Church.”

the digital offer is gladly accepted, confirm the numbers of users: more than 16 000 calls, 134 subscribers and almost 2000 hours of play time. For Horak, a sign that in this way, the 2000-year-old Church finds its way into the third Millennium.

“as a result, the still arg dusty image of the Church in the Public is a little more modern.” And: “We have the opportunity to go in addition to the usual offerings in new ways. The Good thing is that it is free, whether he’s looking at something, or clicked away.“

“Arg dusty image” of the Church is “a bit modern”

The counter-evidence that digital services or the impulses of the life-is characters just something for tech-savvy Younger, were two senior citizens. So the deacon got after the good Friday way of the cross from an older fellow-citizens from the ASB residential home, there is a E-Mail. “He was grateful for the aura, because he could be so in spite of his 93 years of using an iPad in the process, what has him so happy.”

another lady, now 80 years old, made the chaplain to a “repair giving trusted on the Homepage, how to get to the channel,” attention. “We underestimated,” said Horak, “the senior generation digital.” Similarly, the life will be perceived in-character even outside of Wolfratshausen. “Recently, a Mail from the North of Germany reached me – this has, in turn, very pleased and confirmed.”

The Protestant pastor Elke Eilert took the world drogentag to the occasion for their contribution for our section, “God and the world”.


The life-signs appear on Tuesdays and Fridays, the Link is found on to.
