hunter appeal to dog owners to Take the dogs on a leash! What can happen without a leash, had a hunter in Weilheim experience recently.

Weilheim has rushed a dog was not leash , a prestigious Rehgeiß to death and dogged. The deer and fawns could only be relieved of their suffering. the hunter call: dogs to leash ! Even more local stories in our weekly regions-Newsletter for because home or in our App.

Weilheim – Especially now in the spring, when many get wild animals such as deer, birds, or rabbits young, and should not be Walker , joggers and riders stay on the Trails, the disturb wild animals to. Very important: dogs to be taken to the leash .

hunters challenge: dog must go for a Walk in the woods on a leash!

The hunter , such as the Oberhausen Heinz Dietrich always a challenge – but often in vain, as the tenant for a hunting grounds close to Weilheim reported.

hunter talks dog owners – The answer: “The dog searches for a toy”

just recently, he had an incident, had it really annoyed has: “On-the-Hardt, a man has his dog in the high grass without leash to run. On the question of what he was doing there, he had the answer: “The dog searches for a toy.”

hunter warns that In the meadows, newborn fawns

are warned As Dietrich the dog owners currently kids are born, and lying in the meadows, the man had denied – here there is no deer . “We have back-and-forth discussion continued until the man managed to make the dog finally back to the car.

“I’m driving away, thought to myself but, I photograph rather be license plate number,” said Dietrich. So he turned around and looked the dog again without the leash in the Meadow. “I finally called the police, but has not particularly interested,” says Dietrich disappointed.

grisly find: dog rushes Rehgeiß to death young must item to die

Even worse, an incident on the same evening, his predecessor as the shooting tenant has experienced was seen: “He has, as a medium-sized black dog a Rehgeiß blew up.“ When they later searched along the area, they found the Rehgeiß still live with panicked, wide – eyed sitting on the ground-they could, had hurt obvious on the front legs and had more bite marks .

hunter proceeds from the dog hunted deer out of their misery

“We have saved the animal from its suffering,” said Dietmeier. The worst Moment is after, when the abdomen of the dead animal suddenly something moving – the unborn offspring that is as dedicated to the death. The two hunters cut out from the Geiß finally, three unborn kids . “this is not a pretty sight, not even for us, hunter “, emphasizes Dietrich. Therefore, his appeal: stay On the Paths and dogs to leash take!

Unfortunately, this is not the only incident of this kind. Always again unangeleinte dogs tearing wild animals. So has also ripped in Weilheim, a dog, a pregnant deer. Hunters have reported incredible scenes. Also in Garmisch-Partenkirchen it has come to such a case. In Olching, a hunter has shot and killed a dog after he has been tearing into a deer.