A false document which has failed to deceive the american justice. Robert Shepherd, 25 years, involved especially in cases of theft, was claimed to be dead by providing a fake death certificate to try to avoid jail, reports CNN. According to a press release of the prosecutor of the county of Nassau (Nassau County District Attoney), in the State of New York, Madeline Singas, a typo in a word as well as inconsistencies in the use of a typographic typeface, and size of the characters have put the flea in the ear. Prosecutors have noted that the term “Registry” was written ” Regsitry “. Contacted, the department of Health of the State of New Jersey has confirmed that it was a fake.

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“blatant Fraud”

The fake death certificate of Robert Shepherd had been surrendered to the court by his lawyer, Meir Moza, at a hearing which was to determine the duration of a sentence, last October. The document stated that he had died on September 21, 2019, in the New Jersey, died of a suicide. When the deception was discovered, the lawyer Meir Mozza indicated that he had been manipulated, that the certificate had been handed over by the bride of Robert Shepherd and that he did not know that the document was a fake. The lawyer said he would no longer be his client. A communications officer in the office of the prosecutor of the county of Nassau, Miriam Sholder, said that the prosecutors believed that Meir Mozza had been tricked and that he was not part of the fraud.

Robert Berger, it turns out that he has left the State during the fall and that he was imprisoned in Pennsylvania, after being arrested in November 2019 for other facts. He could face up to four years in prison for pretending to be dead. “Submitting false documents to the prosecutors is always a bad idea […] and the fact that they did not use a spell checker makes this fraud even more blatant,” said Madeline Singas.