According to the most recent escalation of the conflict between Syria and Nato-member Turkey has threatened Ankara in the UN security Council with retaliation. “If you want to learn it the hard way, you can have the. Turkey does not want war”, said the Turkish Ambassador to the United Nations Feridun Hadi Sinirlioglu on Friday at an emergency meeting of the UN security Council in New York. But Turkey will not hesitate to use force if their safety were threatened. Any provocation from the Syrian side will be answered with all the Power.

The meeting of the UN security Council was in the short term, after an air attack on the Turkish army in the Northern Syrian province of Idlib has been convened. It had been killed on Thursday, according to Turkish figures, at least 33 soldiers. After the incident, Ankara’s assistance to the Nato and the international community, and handle requested as retaliation in the night to Friday, Syrian government troops.

The United States strengthened the Turkey for the possible further military maneuvers in the back. “Turkey has our full support in order to respond in self-defense to unjustified attacks on the Turkish observation post that led to the death of their own armed forces,” said the American UN Ambassador, Kelly Craft. The same is true for the coming days. US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo announced that the United States would be after the “despicable” attack on the side of the Nato Alliance partner.

Russia regrets the incident

Russia’s UN Ambassador Vasily Nebensja expressed Regret over the death of Turkish soldiers, said, however, that this had stopped outside an observation post. “When it became clear that it happened, took the Russian side comprehensive measures to end the hostilities.” He stressed that in spite of everything, in the Region of Idlib by Syrian territory.

Hama is the last big rebel territory in the war-torn country. The Turkey is supported in the conflict by Islamist rebels. With Russia as a protection of the Syrian government had reached an agreement, in Idlib a de-escalation zone to set up, and had set up observation posts. Actually, a weapon is peace. In the past few weeks, Syria had joined up with Russian support in the area pre.

Guterres looks at the new stage

UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, took part in the meeting of the security Council. He warned that the Syria was the place of conflict, with the escalation to a new Phase.

Rosemary DiCarlo, under Secretary for political and peacebuilding Affairs, called for a new ceasefire in Idlib and painted a grim picture of the situation on the ground in the face of ruthless battles. “Civilians are being killed in Camps for the Displaced, schools and hospitals. This happens day and night, day in and day out. Hospitals destroyed, schools destroyed, human lives destroyed.”

special Nato

in addition to a number of other UN Ambassador is also the German representative Christoph Heusgen called for an immediate ceasefire, and stressed the “full solidarity” with Turkey. He turned against Syria’s protection of Moscow. “We call on Russia to end support to the military offensive by the Syrian Regime.” A military solution to the conflict was impossible.

in view of the escalation of Turkish-Syrian conflict, the North Atlantic Council of Nato was on Friday already to make a special come together. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on Syria and Russia, then to put an end to their Offensive, to respect international law and to support the efforts of the UN for a peaceful solution. “This dangerous Situation needs to be deescalated.” (sda)

Created: 29.02.2020, 04:37 PM