The president, Trump has given up this Wednesday to delve deeper into a spiral of war with Iran after the attack on the eve of two american bases in Iraq with missiles, a calculated show of strength that did not cause low any. The nature of the action with which the iranians responded to the implementation of the general Soleimani suggested that they also sought to contain the escalation, deployed a way to escape from a conflict that nobody wants. “Iran seems to be withdrawing,” said Trump, in a message to the nation solemn in the way and fund more content, which has announced new economic sanctions and invited the signatories of the nuclear agreement to “abandon his remains”

Bases attacked

22 missiles have been launched against two air bases in Iraq where they are deployed american troops.







air Base

Ain Al-Asad







“While I am president, Iran will never be allowed to have nuclear weapons. Good day to you”. With those words began the Donald Trump this Wednesday morning his message to the nation, with almost half an hour late, surrounded by vice president Mike Pence, secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the Defense, Mark Esper, and high ranking military officers in uniform.

In full escalation of the tension between Iran and the united States in the middle East, it all depended on the response from Trump, and this has been one of containment. “The american people should be grateful and happy. There were no wounded, we don’t have victims, and only a minimum of damage on our military bases,” he said. “Iran seems to be retreating and that is a good thing for America and for the world.”

Clear virtually from the horizon of the short-term the possibility of a military response to the iranian attack on the night of Tuesday, the president Trump has offered clues about the medium-and long-term. “Iran has been the main sponsor of terrorism and its pursuit of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized world,” he said, before announcing that it will impose “immediately” new and “powerful” economic sanctions, insisting on its up to you now little fruitful strategy of maximum pressure to force Tehran to return to the negotiating table.


the united STATES and Russia prohibit commercial airline flights over Iraq and Iran Inferiority conventional options and asymmetric: x-ray of the military power of iran Iran promises a “tough” revenge and is seeking to close ranks after the protests

In a speech devoid of the continuous threats of the destruction that has characterised their interventions in the last days, there has been no further development on the new sanctions. But yes a call to its allies in the NATO –alliance that at the start of his presidency in 2017 labeled them as “obsolete”– to become more involved “in the process of the middle East”.

Trump has also had a message for the signers of the agreement with Iran in 2015, for which the regime was committed to freeze its nuclear program in exchange for relief from sanctions, of which the republican pulled out to the united States in may of 2018. The countries that are signatories, has called Trump, you must follow its steps and to “abandon the remains of the nuclear agreement”. The priority, he added, is to work on a new agreement “that will make the world more secure”. “We must send a clear message to the regime,” he said, “that your campaign of terror will not be tolerated.”

“the united States is ready to embrace peace with who search for”, he concluded.

“Everything is alright!”, had tuiteado the president Tuesday night after the attack. Iran had beaten the united States, in retaliation for the execution last Friday of general Qasem Soleimani, powerful architect of the international influence of Iran, firing 22 ballistic missiles against two air bases in Iraq where they are deployed u.s. troops: the Ain Al-Assad, in the west of the country, and one in Erbil, in iraqi Kurdistan.

The Foreign minister of iran, Mohammed Javad Zarif, said shortly afterwards on Twitter that their attacks on u.s. troops had “completed”. That Iran was not seeking “an escalation or a war.” The word end was key.

it Was the attack more direct and blatant of Iran against the united States in four decades of conflict, more or less latent. But the nature of the operation indicates that it was not designed to cause the largest number of casualties in the ranks of north america.

First, at the time: it happened in the early morning, when the soldiers were sleeping and not scattered across the base. Also because Iran knew that the u.s. intelligence has the means to locate those missiles immediately before they are introduced. “No lives were lost by the precautions taken, and thanks to a system of notice was premature, it worked really well,” said the own Trump in his address to the nation. But, above all, because Tehran informed the iraqi prime minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, that he was going to carry out the attack. It was explained to him that the attack was only directed against us interests, although it is not specified the objectives.

the execution in The early hours of last Friday of Soleimani, dramatic coda to an escalation of hostilities lived in the last days of the year, shot up the tension in the region. Armed groups proiraníes in Iraq had pledged to join forces to respond to the attack, carried out by a drone american, who killed the general that was head of the Quds force, elite corps of the iranian Revolutionary Guards in charge of actions in the exterior, and also the leader militiaman Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes. Tehran had assured them that the “revenge” would be hard, while Trump warned that he had a list with 52 “goals” and strike “very fast and very strong” in case of retaliation.

Tehran chose to answer directly, with a salvo that demonstrates the ability of your program missile hit precision targets more than 300 kilometers away from their borders.

A response that indicates that he was very calculated. An attack to the place from which you consider that it launched the operation against Soleimani. Without causing low detonarían inevitably a war, but with the strength sufficient to meet the commitment to respond unequivocally, Army to Army. Tehran displayed the way of solution to the conflict who seek to both parties and to the that Trump, with his speech this Wednesday, seems to have been addressed.

The official reactions of Trump and minister Zarif invite you to trust that the iranian attack will be the end of the military conflict and open and not the beginning of a climbing widespread. But the possibility that the militias proiraníes that coordinated the own Soleimani in the region acting against the united States or its allies, or even of a cyber attack that experts do not rule out, invite to caution.

Message to NATO

Á. SANCHEZ (Brussels) / P. GUIMÓN (Washington)

In his address to the nation, the president, Trump has ensured that prompted NATO to “engage much more in the process of the middle East”. But it has not elaborated more on your request to an Alliance that has had very harsh words in the past.

NATO has not reacted Wednesday to the words of Donald Trump, who culminates and her spectacular turns on the role reserved to the Atlantic Alliance in the international panel: in 2016, the were obsolete during the election campaign that would lead to the White House, two years after abroncó its members for their meager military spending, and now, in the middle of a crisis with Iran, looking for parapetar to the united States under its umbrella with a vague message that claims their partners more involvement

The secretary-general of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, is not publicly supported the assassination of general Soleimani, but neither has spared no gestures toward the united States: accused Iran of destabilize the zone, coincided with Trump in that he has not allow Tehran to develop nuclear weapons, and condemned the attack iranian missile bases of the US and the coalition in Iraq.

The request of Trump comes only a day after the coalition announced a partial withdrawal of its military personnel in Iraq, where it maintains approximately 500 troops. The troops of the Alliance in the region, like the U.s., have temporarily interrupted their tasks of training the iraqi forces and their fight against what is left of the Islamic State due to the instability of recent.