The us president Donald Trump announced on Friday 29 may end the relationship between his country and the WHO, it accused since the beginning of the pandemic coronavirus to show himself too indulgent with Beijing. “Because they have failed to make the necessary reforms and requirements, we will put an end today to our relationship with the world Health Organization and redirect these funds to other needs and urgent public health world who deserve it,” said the billionaire republican in front of the press.

The current occupant of the White House also estimated on Friday that China’s behaviour vis-à-vis Hong Kong was “a tragedy” for the world, and announced restrictions on entry in the u.s. for chinese students. Beijing “has not kept his word given to the world to ensure the autonomy of Hong Kong,” he said.

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The entry into the United States of some of the Chinese forbidden

The United States denounced for the past several days, the controversial law on national security that Beijing wants to impose on Hong Kong. They believe that this is a disguised way of muzzling the opposition in hong kong and to cut down on the freedoms, that denies firmly the China. Displaying its willingness to help secure “university research is vital for the country,” Donald Trump has announced the suspension of the entry of ” certain nationals of China that we have identified as potential security risks “.

The us president is, however, remained evasive on the exact scope of this decision, and on the number of students who could be involved. The tenant of the White House has also announced that it launched the process of elimination of the exemptions granted to Hong Kong in the context of the revocation of his special status. “This decision will have an impact on the whole of the agreements that we have with Hong Kong,” he added, mentioning in particular the extradition treaty.

Read also Luc de Barochez – coronavirus reveals the defects of chinese power

The handover of Hong Kong is made in the name of the principle of “One country, two systems” that allowed the territory to retain freedoms unknown in mainland China, in particular, a free economy, an independent judiciary, freedom of expression and a Parliament partly elected by universal suffrage. These exemptions have led to a number of countries, like the United States, to pass laws allowing them to treat Hong Kong as a commercial entity distinct from the authoritarian chinese.

writing will advise you

Luc de Barochez – The totalitarian tendencies of China’s First human tide in hong Kong against the law of national security Nicolas Baverez – Storm on the WHO