in recent days, Donald Trump is unleashed. Via his favorite weapon, the tweet, he was accused of murder – without the shadow of a proof – the host of a political show, he made fun of Joe Biden because he was wearing a mask, he has retweeted the rantings of an extremist right that has treated Hillary Clinton ” bitch “, he mentioned the conspiracy theories accusing Obama of spying… It’s been years that he said everything and anything to its approximately 80 million followers. With the blessing of Twitter, which has always defended its freedom of expression.

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But one event comes to sully the beautiful relationship between the president and the social network. Twitter has taken an unprecedented decision. For the first time on Tuesday, the platform has affixed a warning message with the text “Check the facts !” in two tweets from the president. The tweet that finally pushed Twitter to get its head in the sand regarding the electoral fraud. Donald Trump, of which this is one of the obsessions, claimed that voting by mail encourages log-rolling, and that the November election would be ” rigged “.

This caveat, in blue ink, refers to newspaper articles demonstrating the falsity of the assertions of Donald Trump. The president says, for example, that California is going to send ballots to ” anyone who lives in the State “, which is false. It sends that to the voters.

“Twitter stifles freedom of expression,”

The decision has aroused much controversy and criticism from all sides. The anti-Trump have described it as a slap on the wrist and criticized him for not going far enough. Obviously, Donald Trump, himself, saw red. In a series of tweets raging, he accused Twitter of” interfere “in the presidential elections and to” stifle freedom of expression “.

It has threatened the social networks of retaliation : “We will regulate them heavily, or close it. “There is, however, unlikely to the farm. First, because it does not have the right. Then, because Twitter and Facebook are megaphones too precious without which it has little chance of being re-elected.

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But it apprêterait, according to the media, to sign a directive to revise a portion of the law that protects social networks from potential lawsuits related to reviews and videos posted by users, even in cases of hate speech or propaganda for a terrorist organization. According to the Wall Street Journal, Donald Trump would consider the creation of a commission that would examine the bias “leftist” social networks and censorship.

29 tweets per day on average

Twitter, which has around 330 million users, is particularly on the spot. Donald Trump sent 9 tweets per day on average at the beginning of his mandate. He is 29 this year, more and more delusional, especially since the pandemic, may be to forget the 100,000 dead.

last year, Twitter announced that it would put a warning on the messages of the heads of State who violated his rules, but he destroys not be because they had a value of information. But, the proof of its inconsistency, it has never applied to Donald Trump. In recent days, for example, the president of the United States has insinuated itself into a half-dozen tweets that Joe Scarborough was a murderer, apparently because the moderator of the channel MSNBC criticized its management of the pandemic. Via Twitter, he took up again the theory complotiste who accuses Scarborough of having murdered his assistant parliamentary in 2001, when he was the representative of Florida at the Congress. Lori Klausutis was found dead in the offices of Scarborough. The autopsy determined that the young woman suffered from a weak heart and she had died of natural causes. The chosen one was hundreds of kilometers away at the time.

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the accusations have sparked an outcry, including from some republicans. The husband of Klausutis has sent a letter to Jack Dorsey, the boss of Twitter, begging him to remove the “lies horrible” from Trump. “I ask you to intervene because the president of the United States has appropriated something that does not belong to him, the memory of my late wife, and perverted to political purposes “, he said. Twitter said he is ” deeply sorry for the grief that causes these statements “, but announced that it would not erase the tweets defamatory because they were not in violation of the house rules. A few hours later, it was a warning to tweets on the elections…

Washington will he actually engage in a battle against the Silicon Valley a few months before elections ? To see. But one thing is for sure, the famous position of neutrality to social networks is less and less tenable.

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