For the second time in a few days, Twitter censorship Donald Trump. This time, the famous social network has decided to hide a tweet from the president of the United States in which he threatens this Tuesday, June 23, to use a “force consistent” if demonstrators tried to establish an “autonomous zone” in Washington.

also Read United States : protesters attack a statue in front of the White House

many officers in riot gear remained deployed throughout the day in the streets of the capital of the United States and have evacuated the area around the White House, where protesters took turns for weeks. “As long as I am your president, there will be no autonomous zone in Washington DC. If they try, they will face a force substantial “, has tweeted in the early morning the billionaire republican.

content that “violated” the rules

Twitter, the favorite platform of the chair, then crossed out this message with a mention indicating a content that “violated” its rules about ” inappropriate content “, while leaving the opportunity to read it. “Our rules stipulate that we don’t allow people to wish or hope harm to a person or to a group of people “, explained to the Agence France-Presse the social network that has already been pinned on two occasions messages from Donald Trump.

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The spokesperson of the White House Kayleigh McEnany immediately denounced this decision by using, paradoxically, the network of tweets. “Let’s be very clear about what just happened: Twitter has said that it was inappropriate for the president of the United States to say that he will enforce the law,” she started.


Since the beginning of demonstrations against police violence and racism, the president, campaigning for his re-election, advocates a discourse of firmness, displaying his taste for ” law and order “. Tuesday morning, it was in response to the attempt, the day before, some protesters erected a camp on the outskirts of the presidency on the model of the box ” without police “, created in Seattle two weeks ago.

activists including tagged “BHAZ” to “Black House Autonomous Zone” (autonomous zone of the Black House) on church St. John s. But the police had quickly dispersed the small group. In a separate action, the demonstrators had tried to bring down a statue located in front of the White House of former president Andrew Jackson, who supported slavery.

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again, the police intervened. “They did a good job, lots of people are in prison today,” said Donald Trump to the press before jetting off for a tour of the southern border in Arizona. “We are looking at long prison sentences for these vandals, these thugs, these anarchists and these agitators “, he continued. “These are bad people who do not love the country “, he still assené. The president has indicated that he would sign shortly issue a decree on the protection of monuments americans.

” Low ”

The death of George Floyd, an African-American, was asphyxiated by a white policeman in Minneapolis on may 25, has promoted a critical revision of the past of the United States; several statues, including confederate generals, were déboulonnées in the fringes of the demonstrations. On the other side of the country, the authorities of Seattle wish to reinvest the ” autonomous zone “, after gunfire that left one dead and one injured in this area where police is not welcome.

“It is time that the people return home,” said mayor Jenny Durkan, in order to ” restore order and eliminate violence in the neighborhood of Capitol Hill “. The authorities have opted for dialogue with the organizers and are not planning to invest the place by force, she said.

Donald Trump has fiercely criticized the mayor of Seattle and the governor of the State of Washington, Jay Inslee, for their management of this area. “Homegrown terrorists have taken Seattle, led by democrats and the radical left “, he especially tweeted. “They are very weak,” he said Tuesday.

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Anastasia Colosimo – Donald against Goliath