The former head of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke, and holding the suprémacisme white was kicked out of Twitter. The network confirmed Friday, July 31, and have suspended his account “permanently to have repeatedly contravened the policy relating to conduct hate Twitter,” said a spokesperson for the social network. The message in question, which has led to this decision, has not been revealed.

In its charter, the company provides a ban publications that incite violence against people ” based on race, ethnic origin, nationality, caste, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, disability or any serious illness “. This on Twitter since September 2009, David Duke there were a little over 53 000 subscribers. Famous public figure of the far right, David Duke was the leader of the racist organization KKK during the 1970s before officially taking distances with the movement at the end of this decade.

Banned from YouTube

nevertheless, It remains a defender of the theory of the superiority of the white race, revisionist, and takes it very regularly to the jews. David Duke, age 70, has made a mandate of deputy in Louisiana between 1989 and 1992, and has spent nearly a year and a half in prison in the early 2000s for tax fraud. It was declared to be in favour of Donald Trump during the primary republican presidential 2016, a support that the billionaire had been reluctant to disavow them before making a resolve.

The YouTube channel of David Duke had been removed at the end of June during a huge operation against channels broadcasting content supremacist and racist. Social networks are frequently accused of laxity by organizations that defend civil rights and political figures at about the moderation of publications that promote hatred or misinformation. Facebook, which is the subject of the criticism of the more vivid, is the subject of a boycott advertising without precedent, followed by more than 1,000 advertisers, to force it to better regulate this type of messages. Last week, Twitter has removed more than 7,000 accounts related to the dynamic pro-Trump ” QAnon “, who spreads conspiracy theories online.