The peace talks for Libya have not come to fruition in Moscow. Khalifa Hafter, the strong man of Libya have already left the Russian capital without signing the cease-fire agreement. His departure, before dawn, and almost unnoticed, is in some measure a rebuff to the Russian president, Vladimir Putin. Even the Russian president, that has shown its influence ever more powerful in the political chessboard of the middle East, has been antagonized by the man to whom Russia has supported in recent months with the presence of mercenaries. However, Russia is reluctant to give for closed the negotiation, that should put an end to nine months of intense fighting in Libya.


The strong man of Libya accepts cease-fire proposed by Russia and Turkey, Merkel and Putin call for a solution to the conflict in Libya and convened a conference in Berlin The forces of Hafter claim to have taken control of the libyan city of Sirte

Hafter had asked up to this Tuesday morning to reflect on the covenant of the cease-fire itself was signed last night the head of the Unity Government, Fayed the Serraj. Russia and Turkey, which support opposing forces, had pressured the parties to accept the agreement, which included a truce without term. The ceasefire, which began frágilmente over the weekend with allegations of violations of both parties, now threatens to collapse.

“All the efforts that the europeans are doing now, including German, French and Italian, the efforts which you are making the neighbors libya, Algeria, Egypt, as well as the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Qatar and the Russian Federation, we want to bring them together for everything to work in one direction, and I urge all parties to libyan to agree, and not continue to solve things by force,” said the Foreign minister of Russian Sergey Lavrov, you just start an official trip to Sri Lanka cited by the state agency Tass. “We will continue our efforts in this regard; for the moment it has not reached a final result,” said Lavrov.

The Kremlin yesterday said a diplomatic meeting in Moscow, along with a high delegation from turkey, to Serraj, head of the Unity Government backed by Turkey and recognized by the UN in Tripoli, and the marshal Khalifa Hafter, who receives its support from Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Russia itself. But his initiative to achieve put an end to the battle for Tripoli has not advanced. And could now grow even worse. While Hafter account with mercenaries russians, who managed to tip the war in their favor, to conquer the bastion of Sirte, Turkey has sent forces to support Serraj. Syrian insurgents backed by Turkey have also joined.

Sources of the negotiation explained to some media libyans that Hafter asked for four days to discuss various points of contention in the agreement, which was negotiated for eight hours. Also to discuss with the two countries that will lend their support. Its position makes it more difficult to succeed the Berlin conference, organized by chancellor Angela Merkel under the auspices of the UN, scheduled for this weekend. Libya, a key point in the migratory routes towards Europe, it is a place geo-strategic for the EU, which has tried for months to promote an agreement.