In the time from 17:30 – 18:30 p.m. approximately 70 people attended a lift under the Motto “racism kills, the police kill! Greifswald says no!” part, which led from the Greifswalder market through the pedestrian street to the theatre forecourt and back to the market. In the run-up to this event has been killing in the time between 16:30 – 17:30, another meeting at the fish market under the Motto “racism. Everywhere.” is performed. In this approximately 100 people took part in the top. Of these, went about 50 persons in the immediate vicinity of the first-mentioned event, and were there together verbally. The on the marketplace, to be held the end of a meeting has not been affected. Both events are free were trouble and had been terminated, by a total of 40 police and officials are protected and accompanied.

on behalf of

Heiko Meffert head of PHR Greifswald

questions to the office hours:

police inspection Anklam Andrei crispy phone: 03971/251-3041 E-Mail:

Additional Material: OTS: the police headquarters of Neubrandenburg

Original Content by: the police headquarters of Neubrandenburg, submitted by news aktuell

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