The opposition leader Russian Alexei Navalni has reported on Wednesday that a worker of the foundation that leads have been recruited and sent to the force by the Russian authorities at a military base on the shores of the Arctic ocean, a move that the opposition leader called it “abduction”.


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Ruslan Shaveddinov, project manager in the Foundation-Corruption, chaired Navalni, was arrested Monday at his apartment in Moscow after the door of the house was torn down, they cut the electricity and disable it remotely the SIM card of your mobile phone.

on Tuesday night, Shaveddinov, 23 years old, reappeared in a remote military base in Novaya Zemlya, an archipelago in the Arctic ocean about 2,000 kilometres north of Moscow that is home to a barracks of a military unit of anti-aircraft missiles.

Navalni said that Shaveddinov, which had previously tried to oppose their recruitment for medical reasons, he was able to make this Wednesday a call by using the mobile of another person. Shaveddinov told that you have been told you may not dispose of mobile during the year of military service that must be met, and who has been assigned to the other military to accompany you at all times.

Navalni said their lawyers are going to appeal the decision to recruit to the force, and that they will argue that he has been kidnapped illegally and imprisoned. “Serving in the Army has simply become a way of confining people”, reported in social networks, the opposition leader.

military Service

Several activists, opponents have compared the treatment it has received Shaveddinov with the abuses of the era of the Soviet Union or the tsars, when it was sent to the opponents to remote areas of the country.

Shaveddinov was part of the team that unsuccessfully sought Navalni could face Putin in the presidential elections of 2018. He also worked as a presenter on the digital channel of Navalni and helped to manage projects of the Foundation anti-Corruption, which specializes in reporting cases of corruption.

The colonel Maxim Loktev, subcommissioner military to Moscow, said the agency Tass that the young man was in breach of his obligation of military service for some time, and that a court on Monday ordered that was recruited. The military service of a year it is obligatory in Russia for all males between the ages of 18 and 27, with a few exceptions.