The Old Continent continues its déconfinement. Brussels has recommended, Thursday, June 11, 2020, the lifting of all travel restrictions within the european Union (EU) and the Schengen area on 15 June, and the re-opening of the external borders of the EU as of July 1, travelers of the western Balkans. If the majority of the countries of the EU and the Schengen area have re-opened their borders between them on the 15 June, some like Spain are planning to do it later. The eu executive recommends that “all restrictions” put in place to combat the spread of coronavirus to be exercised at this date.

The european Commission also advocated re-opening “partial and gradual” of the external borders of the EU and of the Schengen area after June 30. The last word on the boundaries is up to the member States, the Commission can only make recommendations. The european executive considers that as from the 1st of July, the travellers coming from the western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia to the North, Serbia) must be authorised in the Eu, given that the epidemiological situation of these countries is “similar or better” than that of the EU.

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restrictions lifted for third countries ?

The eu executive has called on the member States to agree on a list of third countries for which the restrictions would also be lifted, according to their health situation. The prohibition of travel “non-essential” to the EU had been put in place on 17 march in a coordinated manner between the member States and the european Commission for the fight against the spread of the pandemic of novel coronavirus.

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