The attack Tuesday on the u.s. Embassy in Baghdad and the protests against its perimeter ultrafortificado, who this Wednesday have been dissolved by order of the leaders, militia organizers, has caused tension between the united States and Iran. Donald Trump, who accused Tehran of “orchestrating” the incident, raised the tone and said that Iran “will pay a very high price”. Pressed to respond forcefully, the president starts the year of his re-drawn to exactly the type of mess in the middle East that has tried to avoid. The Embassy has announced this Wednesday the cancellation until further notice of their activities, consular and secretary of State Mike Pompeo, of his trip to Ukraine.

The warlike tone of the president, which follows the crisis from his holiday home Mar-a-Lago, in Florida, has received overwhelming response from the iranian supreme leader, ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has condemned this Wednesday “strongly evil” of the united States. “If the Islamic Republic decides to stand up and fight, it will do so unambiguously,” he warned, according to their website, in a speech in Tehran.


An attack of the U.S. against groups proiraníes in Iraq unleashed a wave of outrage Trump is accusing Iran of the attack on the american embassy in Baghdad

The escalation began on Friday, when the launch of a rocket against a military base in iraq killed a u.s. contractor and wounded several. Washington accused the Brigades of Hezbollah and, in search of a chastisement, after multiple attacks against their interests in Baghdad, responded on Sunday with extreme hardness: five bombings in Iraq and Syria against the militia proiraní, which left at least 25 people dead and fifty wounded.

the magnitude of The response caused outrage in Iraq and azuzó the tide of anti-americanism. Tuesday, after the funerals of fighters killed, thousands of militiamen and iraqi civilians, with initial tolerance of the iraqi authorities, they went to the complex that houses the u.s. Embassy, shouting “death to America”. They threw objects, set fires, tore down doors and shielded windows, and some came to break temporarily on the premises, without recorded casualties among the Embassy staff.

The Pentagon has beefed up security in the area with the shipment of 120 marines on Apache helicopters from Kuwait, and the president blamed the assault on Iran, and he rebukes the iraqi Government to ensure the security of your personal and your properties. The secretary of Defense Mark Esper, also announced on Tuesday that around 750 soldiers will be sent to the region immediately, “in an action provided preventive and in response to the increase in the levels of threat”, and that there are additional troops ready to join in the next few days.

The leaders militiamen, under the umbrella of the called Forces of Popular Mobilization, they assured that yours acamparían indefinitely along the perimeter of the Embassy until the united States withdraw from Iraq. Continued, although fewer in number than Tuesday, until Wednesday afternoon, when the leaders ordered the removal of the protesters in the fortified complex diplomatic. In the morning they had returned to live scenes of tension, with the american soldiers dispersing the crowd with tear gas. A work that in earlier protests attacked the iraqi forces, who on this occasion chose to leave their sponsors americans.

The fort that was erected as an emblem of the permanence of the united States after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, a campaign that Trump likes to cross off of great historical error, has mutated now into a symbol of how difficult it is for Washington to leave the region to the neglect of these “endless wars” that the republican president despises. The tone of the messages Trump doesn’t hide the crossroads that leads to this escalation of the tension, which forces him to be discussed between a forceful response to restore the prestige of the united States and its desire not to continue entangled in the conflicts of the region, more so in the start of an election year.

In memory of all is the precedent of the assault on the consulate in Benghazi (Libya) in September 2012, in which a group of militiamen stormed the diplomatic mission and set fire, causing the death of four americans, including the ambassador in the country. The republicans, and in particular the then congressman and today secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized so harshly to the democratic Administration of Barack Obama for his response to that crisis. On Tuesday afternoon, when the imminent threat was on its way to be neutralised, the president himself wanted to make a explicit distance with that episode: “The anti-Benghazi!”, tweeted, about your response to the crisis in Baghdad.

Since Trump broke in may of 2018, the nuclear deal with Tehran, thereby re-establishing the sanctions, the tensions do not cease between the united States and Iran, the two main supports of the iraqi Government, which are vying for influence in the area. In recent days, both countries have been caught up in a spiral of hostilities that agitated further a region already convulsed. Senator Lindsey Graham, a staunch ally of Trump that had a breakfast with him on Tuesday, has assured in an interview that the president does not seek a confrontation with the iranians and hope that these to take steps towards the resolution of the crisis. “The goal is to reach ” ” he said, “but it takes both parties to do so.”