evidence of The crime statistics 2019: Although there is in the area of the PI Schongau something more offences than the year before, but the citizens can feel safe.

Schongau – Schongaus police chief Herbert Kieweg can be satisfied. The so-called “Crime rate” is so low, as it should be in the rural area. 3298 offences per 100 000 inhabitants were counted for the year 2019, in comparison, this frequency number is for the area of the police headquarters of upper Bavaria-South, 4264. “We can live safely”, says Kieweg, who presented the police crime statistics is divided into different areas.

Pretty constant, the number of bodily injury offences in the year 2019. Had to be edited in the year 2018, a total of 309 personal injury offences were there in 2019, a less (308 offences). Count here also the cases of domestic violence. Kieweg announced for 2019 74 cases. In the area of dangerous and serious bodily injury, there were 2019 compared to the previous year, a slight increase of three to 61 offences. Almost all perpetrators were known or could be determined, the clearance rate was 96.1 percent.

Schongauer crime statistics 2019: More thefts, fewer domestic burglaries

were fingers A few more in the past year on the road. 306 offences had been brought to 2018 for display, so in 2019, with 323 offences were registered in 17 offences, which is a Plus of 5.6 percent, attributed to Kieweg. The clearance rate was in the year 2019 41.8 percent (plus 5.5 percent). Clearly, the number of shop thefts (68, an increase of 28.3 percent) increased. Also, 43 thefts of bicycles (plus 2.4 percent) were the edit of the police inspection Schongau to. While you get to catch the shoplifters, usually, the theft of the wheels, often times unresolved.

Encouraging: The number of domestic burglaries and of the Trials has fallen significantly. In 2019, eight cases were recorded, compared to 2018 for seven cases less. “We do a lot of prevention work, this seems to make itself felt”, the evaluation Kiewegs. Also the doors and Windows would always be safe. However, only every fourth riser of an apartment is its security also.

Schongauer crime statistics 2019: Almost an equal number of fraud and damage to property offences, as in the previous year

127 fraud and 209 damage to property offences were almost there consistently for many crimes, such as 2018. In the case of the fraud-in-chief, for example, Internet crime or social performance of goods according to the Schongauer police fraud. Credit fraud has been brought to the display, where, for example, a craftsman was tasked with a performance, although it was clear that you can’t pay the bill would.

with regard to the drug-related crimes, you can not, of course, be entirely satisfied, but at least it was last year, when most of the violations for the possession or trafficking of cannabis products. 134 was written, therefore, a police report (2018, there were 135 crimes).

Schongauer crime statistics 2019: Many criminal offences were committed under the influence of alcohol

Whether fraud, theft or a violation of the animal protection act: 969 suspects identified, the police Schongau 2019, including 23 children and 166 teenagers or adolescents were.

300 suspects were of non-German origin, which corresponds to a share of 31 percent. The suspects were 770 men and 199 women. 179 suspects – or 18.5 percent – were in the Commission of the Offence under the influence of alcohol. “Just at the time of injury alcohol plays a big role,” regrets Kieweg: “alcohol disinhibited.”

The road accident statistics for the police inspection Schongau

Two deaths on the road has to lead the police Schongau 2019 in your statistics. In the year before there were even five, “but every death is one too many”, so Schongaus police chief Herbert Kieweg. In the case of an accident in October, a 79-year-old cyclist from old town, in a car crash. While Crossing the B 472 to the West of Colchester, the wife saw a car with a trailer and crashed. She died at the scene of the accident.

back in July, a 27-year-old man from the district of Dachau was killed in an accident in Bern Beuren fatal. The car driver had lost on the County road from Lech Bruck, take the control of the vehicle. The car turned over. The unrestrained driver was ejected from the car.

More hit and run in Schongauer country

In the year 2019, the PI edited Schongau, a total of 1269 traffic accidents. To 2018 are 16 more accidents. 160 traffic accidents (2018 216 accidents) were injured 221 persons (2018 307 people). “Considerably increased”, so Kieweg, are traffic accidents, followed by a hit-and-run. This increased from 244 to 290 cases. This corresponds to a Plus of 18.9%.

Under the hit and run a lot of “Park place bumps were called” how Kieweg it. “It can happen that it is damaged when or Parking another car, but the insurance simple rules,” says the chief of police to be a lack of understanding. If the driver of the damaged vehicle is not present, a call to the police already. Thanks to attentive passers-by, who reported to the police or a message with the license plate number of the accident behind the windshield wipers were stuck, were, in retrospect, 116 hit and run clear.

Schongauer country: Fewer accidents under the influence of alcohol

the number of traffic accidents has Fallen under the influence of alcohol. Of the 28 accidents in the year 2018, the number 2019 was reduced to 13. In the framework of traffic controls a total of 81 of the traffic participants in an illegal Alcohol level, or previous drug was found to be consumption. Against these persons, either a criminal case for drunk driving or a penalty procedure was initiated. After all, 80 were caught last year, a driver without a license.

read also: donors, Nearly five months after the arrest of two suspected fire in Thaining (in the district of Landsberg) is not yet clear whether and when the men are put before the court.

Also interesting: Schongauer high school graduates wanted to celebrate at the Lido: Now fine

And here threatens you, there is more news from Schongau and the surrounding area.