drove the Following is a 30-year-old long girl with a Renault Kangoo in the same direction of travel.

Suddenly, the 49-year-old is about 100 meters noticed in front of the mouth for a long time Berger road a horse on the road standing. Evasion failed him; he touched the animal with the front of the vehicle. As a result of this contact, the horse fled on the Rietberger road in the direction of Rietberg, and was abruptly covered by the 30-year-old.

Both cars were considerably damaged; the horse was hurled into the ditch and died there.

During the accident, two more horses were found on the adjacent bike path; this could be captured by other police forces and the owners, who could now be determined, is passed. The animals had broken out of a paddock at the long Berger Strasse.

The car of the 49-year-old was ready to drive and was towed (damage: approx 3000EUR). The damage to the car, the 30-year-old is estimated to be about 1000EUR.

For the duration of the accident, the rescue and the capture of the horses was locked Rietberger street in the short term.

This post is provided by: police Gütersloh/news up to date. An editorial review by FOCUS Online has not taken place.

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