The main coalition of the Polish opposition announced on Thursday challenged before the supreme Court the result of the presidential election of 12 July, which was extended to the head of the Poland Andrzej Duda with the support of the conservative nationalist PiS.

The civic Platform (PO), which the candidate Rafal Trzaskowski has lost little this election has set in due to the irregularities and the alleged impartiality of the public television. “We asked that the election be declared invalid,” said the head of the civic Platform Borys Budka to the press. The election was neither “fair” nor ” honest “, said Borys Budka, saying that “the whole of the State apparatus” had “violated the law” in providing support to Andrzej Duda. Andrzej Duda won the presidential election with 51% of the vote in the face of Rafal Ttrzaskowski’s who got 49 % of the vote.

The appeal includes complaints of irregularities from 2 000 people, problems related to the registration on the electoral lists, the required documents have not been sent out on time, or to the participation in the voting of electors outside the country. The member of parliament for the left Barbara Nowacka, member of the Coalition of civic, organization opposition, which has referred the matter to the supreme Court, believed that the election had not been ” honest “.

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rhetoric, homophobic, xenophobic and anti-semitic

Elzbieta Witek, president of the Sejm, or lower house of Parliament, and a member of the Law and Justice party (PiS) has pointed out that ” everyone can make a call.” “These calls will be reviewed “, she added, saying doubt that they can ” have an impact on the outcome of the vote “. According to the Constitution, the supreme Court has until August 3 to decide on the validity of the election. Observers from the Organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE) reported on Monday that the vote had been “tarnished” by a cover biased to the television public.

The election campaign and coverage by the public media have been marked by a rhetoric homophobic, xenophobic and anti-semitic, ” according to a press release from the office of the OSCE responsible for democratic Institutions and human rights (ODIHR). During the campaign, Andrzej Duda denounced with accents populist ” ideology of LGBT “, adoptions by same-sex couples and accused his rival of not to reject the applications for compensation to jews persecuted during the Second world War, which, according to the Polish government, should be directed to Germany.

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many observers have noticed that the coverage by the public television was widely promoted Andrzej Duda, and the two rivals had refused to debate face-to-face for the first elections in Poland since the fall of communism. “The political polarization was such that the lack of impartiality in the coverage of the public media has affected elections well conducted,” said Thomas Boserup, head of the special mission of evaluation of elections of the ODIHR.

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