Two million euros is estimated the renovation costs to the municipality of Poing in the sports centre as soon as possible. The list of measures:

Poing – The municipality of Poing wants to take two million euros to renovate parts of the sports centre or to renew. This is supposed to happen according to the management as soon as possible, in part, in the course of this year, the Rest in 2021. The building Committee of the parish Council in its June meeting, for all the measures presented unanimously be Yes. Agrees with the Council (which is likely), to be implemented in the following package (in brackets specified by the management the estimated cost):

renewal artificial turf field (894.000 Euro): According to a statement from Guido Lenz, sports court expert in the construction yard, has grass the carpet of the art football field reaches the end of its life cycle. The stitching and markings would begin to dissolve. Lenz presented at the meeting of the building Committee, several variants for the replacement of the flooring, the members of the Committee voted unanimously for the state of the art, however, expensive alternative: an artificial turf that is not filled with granules or Sand. This System will be cleaned according to the Lenz only once per year (cost: 1000 Euro gross), and not four times (cost: 3500 euros) such as the existing System with granules. A unverfüllter artificial turf, environmentally friendly was also.

renewal tartan track in the stadium (250,000 euros): According to management, the tartan on show coverings of the running track and associated sectors (High jump, long jump) “after 31 years, the use of age – and weather – related wear and tear, with cracks and detachments are evident,” it says in an inventory. Normally, a tartan track would be renewed after approximately 15 to 25 years. This will make up for the municipality of Poing, at the latest, in the next year.

• have a New floodlighting system for the stadium (153.600 Euro): Neither the soccer field nor the running track in the stadium a flood of light. That should change soon, possibly as early as this year: On the Grounds, a total of six flood to light poles positioned to be able to, especially in the evening times, the plant longer and is safe to use. In particular footballers and athletes.

• the renewal of district heating connections (372.856 Euro): “The heating system of the pavilion (built in 1989), as well as the heating system of the triple hall (built in 1995) due to the high age since the year 2018 is always the problem”, – stated in the inventory of the administration. After extensive tests, it was possible both buildings to district heating, to switch to the district heating network.

renewal zinc roof pavilion (250.000 Euro): On the zinc roof of the pavilion, the changing rooms for the outdoor facilities housed, on the administration, according to for years again and again problems with pitting corrosion (white rust formation). “A total repair of the roof as soon as possible, but no later than 2021 recommended”, – stated in the opinion.

The Committee has adopted in its session, the entire package and the parish Council recommended that this also be approved. The session will take place on Thursday, 25. June, at 18.30 in the triple hall of the sports centre instead. Here, the municipal Council will make further decisions on the planned expansion of the sports centre. The plans for this are already in place.