It is to be a showcase for Penzberg: the planned blue light centre on the site of the layritz hall. Without criticism from the Public, this urban remains large-scale project but, as the recent meeting of the building Committee showed. A local company, because of him, even your location at risk.

Penzberg–Bavarian Red cross (BRK), police, fire, and mountain and water rescue: they should all be located on the Site of the layritz hall is Central and under the umbrella term “blue light centre” in. Until then, it will take. A further step towards the realization of this major project, the building Committee did in its most recent session: For the construction of the new BRK building to the West of the layritz hall, the zoning was changed to “the industrial area on the pit” from the year 1989. With this final decision, a city architect, Justus Klement on demand, could start the BRK now with the plans for his new building.

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But in the context of the proceedings comments received show that there are, in principle, critical voices to the large-scale project on the layritz area, as well as to the planned Biomass cogeneration plant in the vicinity. On the right a massive rejection of the plans with the neighboring company “Messtec Power Converter encounter”. “Messtec” is a global High-Tech company with high-precision production of electronic, mechanic components, and is concerned due to the multiple structural interventions in its immediate vicinity, of solid. In a statement to the city, the company refers to the entire construction project as “bad planning” and proposes the “Edeka”-Area as a much better location for blue light centre and cogeneration plant. Specifically Messtec criticized “” the East is behind your seat have thought of blue light Central, the planned Biomass power plant to the West of the company premises, as well as the planned extension of the road along the municipal building yard, which amounts to the road “pit”, part of which must be on your basic realized.

“Messtec” rejects the construction project on the layritz halls-grounds, in principle,

The company’s construction project reject, in principle, “since this operation, a high negative impact on the regular company, on the required productivity and thus on the existence of the company”, the company said in its opinion. Noise and vibrations caused by the vehicles on the road would be “sources of interference in the mechanical and electrical manufacturing”. Dust and exhaust gases of the biomass power plant would interfere with a clean room similar electronics production “strong”. The road would be built, would not only expand the company headquartered in addition. The conclusion of the “Messtec”: it Should be realized the blue light centre, “would be the location for the company ‘Messtec’ in the medium term more portable”. A migration from Penzberg is not excluded as a result.

Armin Jabs (BfP) referred to the construction of the road as “essential” for the overall project. Messtec should fight back “” against the road, “we have to make in the extreme case, a procedure for the Expropriation”. However, to the extent that it will not come, according to city architect Klement well. Something he had never experienced, said Klement after the meeting.

explained How the city architect, also, will be by far the largest part of the planned road on city-owned land, and only to a very small part on “Messtec” – reason. Also Klement described the road as necessary. As a result, the roads would “pit” and “The old power plant” is finally connected. In addition, the CRPD need a mandatory second exit for its rescue vehicles – for example, in the case of a traffic jam. Possibly, however, alternative routes could be found, Klement. Jabs also gave the first vague idea of a replacement property for “Messtec” into the conversation.

blue light in the centre and Biomass power plant to realize the “Edeka”Area, is for Louis jewelry (CSU) is not conceivable. “The land there doesn’t belong to us,” said jewelry. The town had to it no access. The waves to smooth mayor Stefan Korpan suggested a visit with the building Committee and company representatives. A specific date is not fixed according to Klement yet.

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