Around a half of people watching from three days ago, the entrance to the private urbanization La Rinconada, in which is located the residence of the ambassador of mexico in Bolivia, María Teresa Mercado, to whom the bolivian Government has expelled on Monday from the country after a diplomatic conflict that has also splashed Spain. “In the permanent campaign and active,” reads a poster displayed by those who guard the residence, and cars in and out of her. They do so with the consent of the police —this Monday there were 12 agents, but a few days ago came to have 90— while drivers of vehicles shall yield to the revision of their cars. “We are here in support of our police, to prevent anyone to escape without having paid their debts to justice in bolivia”, said one of the organizers of a local television. Refer to the dozen former officials of the Government of Evo Morales, who resigned the presidency on 10 November.

This harassment to the residence and the mexican embassy in Bolivia, he was denounced by the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, days ago: “Neither Pinochet dared to so much,” said the representative. But things got more complicated until the expulsion of the ambassador. At the headquarters of the legation remain refugees, some former collaborators of the government of Evo Morales, who has moved his residence to Argentina.

The neighborhood watch imposed by the same groups of “resistance” to protest against Moral. Belong to the urban middle class and continue to be mobilized in different parts of the country to pressure the new Government to pursue with the utmost rigour to the leaders of the former ruling party, and in particular to those who have been identified as responsible for the violent demonstrations in favor of Moral between the 10 and the 24 of November.


Mexico has complained that the bolivian police harasses nine officials who sought asylum in their Embassy “Bolivia is not a colony of Mexico,” PP and Vox ask for explanations to the Government about the incident at the Embassy of Mexico in Bolivia

In the south zone of La Paz, where you will find The Rinconada and other luxurious residential developments in the capital, the so-called resistance organized protests against the delegation of the inter-American Commission on Human Rights, that worked at the end of November in Bolivia, and who was accused of “protecting terrorists”. The incident of which derives from the expulsion of diplomats of the mexican and Spanish is explained in this alert context and political mobilization of sectors victors of the conflict with Morales.

One of the main enemies of the resistance is Juan Ramon Quintana, a prominent figure of the previous Government, whom the Prosecution accuses of sedition and terrorism for having said that, if there was a coup against Morales, Bolivia would become a “modern Vietnam”.

Criticisms of other countries

Quintana and eight other former ministers and former authorities of the party of Morales benefited from the asylum mexican, but today four of them can’t get out of the residence of the diplomatic in which they live, as the Government of Jeanine Áñez not granted safe-conducts to leave the country, with the argument that they are prosecuted for common crimes and not political. Nothing more to take power, Arturo Murillo, one of the ministers of Áñez, spoke of “hunting” against some former leaders of Evo Morales.

Since the start of Evo Morales to Mexico, two days after his resignation, the media is flooded with criticisms against the mexican Government, that denounced a “coup” in Bolivia, you allowed this to use Twitter freely and opened the Embassy of Mexico in The Peace to the members of his party. Then came a wave of criticism tinged with xenophobic against Argentina by the critical coverage of the events bolivians on the part of the press of this country and of the decision of president Alberto Fernández of not recognizing Áñez.

After the incident last Friday, the turn was of Spain: for many creators of opinion, as the politician Samuel Doria Medina, what happened in the residence mexican was a “operating armed.” Ambassador Jorge Quiroga attacked the president of the Spanish Government in functions, Pedro Sanchez, by the “invasion of their Rambitos”, in allusion to the Spanish policemen involved in the incident, whose passports and photographs were leaked to journalists and on social networks.

“we Support our president Áñez for having expelled the ambassador and mexican diplomats, Spanish. Those who do harm to our beloved Bolivia must leave,” said one of the women who held the vigil in La Rinconada.