He is one of the veterans of Olching, local politics: Alfred Münch. For over half a century, he is in the SPD, was a member of the state Parliament and the city Council. He is extremely pugnacious fellow, not shy of confrontation. Now he stops and says goodbye once and for all from the active participation.

Olching – A big farewell for the outgoing Olching city councils. Due to the corona of a crisis you had to approach it very pragmatically. One of the longest serving local politician Alfred Münch is. The SPD city Council no longer has a choice. The are several reasons for this, as he revealed in a newspaper Interview.

you belong to the most active speakers in the city Council. The red fire burns still felt – why have you ended your political career?

I think I’ve made my fair contribution to society. I am for 51 years, a member of the SPD. I have only about seven years, not a party or public function is perceived, and this up to four years on a voluntary basis. Now with 72 years, I am truly old enough to make Younger place and to make.

After all these years – you will not be missing the public Act?

Me to the mandates in the career sense, were never important. The Effort and struggle to find good or better solutions to drive me. I also glued never to chairs, don’t need self-confirmation. For the past six years, I wanted to put my political and professional experience for our city. Nasty and indefensible personal attacks on my family have it made for me at the end very easy to make my decision. Ultimately, even by a doctor’s error, advanced cancer, then came to this decision based.

What is the key moment for you as a politician who has encouraged to always Do?

Multiple! It was Willi Brandt, with his visions of a peace – and company policy. In the course of the years of personal experience with well-known SPD were died-politicians such as Erhard Eppler, but also the personal Experience of Franz Josef Strauss in the Parliament to his wedding – and the ultimate in deep time (as his wife). Or by Theo Waigel in a direct public confrontation. A man who I found because of its integrity is very impressive, Professor Hans Maier, the then Bavarian Minister of culture. These people were inspirational, even if I took other views.

the event left its traces in their political beliefs?

Chernobyl has made me the opponents of nuclear power, without If and But. And long before Fukushima demonstrated that the then Propaganda of faulty Russian technology was preserved.

what is the difference between debates in the city Council, of which in the diet?

Mostly peaceful

The themes of nature are in accordance with others. Political enemy images were maintained in the diet merciless. The decisions were mostly independent of property, plant knowledge, always hard to the CSU parliamentary group in the majority. And the majority party refused only once every SPD application, even if you – experienced – two weeks later, almost word same applications introduced. In local politics, personal contact is mostly peaceful. Exceptions confirm the rule.

you Play as on the cooperation of the factions in the city Council?

It’s not going to be escaped, that there were about in the middle of the last term is a fraction, when it came to the co-operative housing project on the Big mountain. The advance substantive cooperation, the two large parties CSU and SPD, has been charged. The conflict between the CSU group Chairman and I came out of it. He has delivered to me at the time, I was trying to achieve with my work in economic benefits for a family member. For this, he has not apologized to this day.

you have also never taken a sheet before the mouth, or someone protected. Is there anything that you regret?

Whom I have spared, the only I know of course. A few people have tried to sue me for my clarity and clarity of court. No one had success. This is likely to be due to the fact that I have never made a formal insults and always politically controversial issues at the heart of that, however, is often hard and clear. Almost all of the political enemies I can find me today, very well personally.

Who is you in this connection, particularly in your memory?

Manfred Krug, CSU-mayor from 1978 to 1984. With him, I once talked about for a long time that I have doubted his personal integrity, never touched or out of the question wanted to ask. And even though I should have omitted in his time as mayor no opportunity for him from my point of view, errors provide. Certainly, it was often difficult for him, which was a decent human being.

What was in your opinion the biggest omission in Olching in the last decades?

Local politics, I think it is questionable that the city must provide four fire brigades, because after the territorial reform, no one dared to tackle the structures. At the time, we didn’t want to answer that, because the merger of the municipalities have had to leave large wounds that should heal. 42 years later, but that would be overdue. There is no Active would be detained, some officials may need the functions to be less politically abused.

What has been the greatest achievement?

Personally, I’m proud of the fact that it’s me from the Opposition in the district Council is able to enforce for Olching the old people’s home by tenacity outright. The former district administrator, Mr. Grimm refused for a long time. Then he could (with a grin) with me as a listener member of the regional Parliament to inaugurate the house.

Serious financial problem

What are the problems will shape the future work of the city Council?

After Corona a serious financial problem, I think, because the tax revenue will rapidly crash. Since the state is required to provide to the municipalities the game room, to the local General interest to cope with. Also the question of how the future city Council to make decisions that will, under certain circumstances, interesting.

What are the topics that will prevail?

There are a number of issues prior to answering: How long you want to talk about the town hall issue? How long do we want to do so, as if our main road would be clogged by foreign cars? How are we really to a local energy revolution, in order to make our contribution for the climate protection? How do we have a structural development, the tenants with lower and medium incomes a Chance at affordable housing. Build, build, build, it will not be, because the experience Olching more than ten years, in which the opposite occurred has.

Be Blog determined to stay in local politics through letters to the editor or the Olching?

I’m certainly not apolitical Person, but not on a daily basis in the work of those who clean slide tackle in the responsibility. All have the same right as I had to do Right or to make their own mistakes. If it itches me, I’m going to report to me where and how.

And what will you do with the newfound free time?

retired to be health conscious(he) of life, a more tolerable husband, a good father with five children and with enthusiasm grandpa of seven grandchildren, the world in all its diversity to enjoy and to seek to understand and, as far as I have is, parts of the same visit then.

political career

Münch sat from 1978 to 1991 in Olching, the local Council. From 1979 to 1990, he was group Chairman and Chairman of the audit Committee. From 2014 to 2020, he returned to the city Council. He was the speaker for urban development, environment, energy and climate protection. Circle tags he was a member from 1978 to 1991, then again in the district from 2002 to 2008. Resigned, he, according to his words, because he no longer had to endure the functioning and attitude of the circle of the day. In the Parliament Münch from 1982 to 1986, sat, and among other things, was Deputy Chairman of the state Advisory Council for data protection and IT Advisory Board. Also in the SPD, he held a variety of management positions (district Chairman). Münch has lived since 1974 in Olching and dates back to Meiningen (Thuringia). After an apprenticeship he studied mechanical engineering and has a degree in engineering. During the studies, it was clear to him that the only true political commitment within a party, be done.