The israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has had to be evacuated by his bodyguards on Wednesday night when he intervened in a political rally in the coastal city of Ahskelón, south of Tel Aviv. The launch of a rocket from the Gaza strip —which was eventually intercepted by the defensive shield-Iron Dome— activated the alarm sirens that give the order to go to the shelters antibombardeo.

this Is the second time in three months that the head of the israeli Government has to give a speech to his supporters to get to safety. Netanyahu starred in a scene similar to the last September, on the eve of a general election, in the nearby port city of Ashdod.

The images of the output stage of the prime minister flooded the social networks. In the beginning, Netanyahu remained in place, calling for calm to their supporters in an act of campaign for the primaries of the Likud, the conservative party that he leads is celebrating this Thursday. Finally, his wife, Sara, and the same were evacuated in an orderly manner while the public remained in the room.


Netanyahu is evacuated during a rally for the launch of missiles from Gaza as Israel kills military leader of the Islamic Jihad in Gaza, which responds with the release of 200 rockets

On his return to the rostrum of speakers after the end of alarm, Netanyahu warned: “those who launched the rockets the last time is no longer among us, and anyone who’s ever launched rockets now you can go packing their belongings.” The prime minister made reference in the first case, to the commander of the Islamic Jihad Baha Abu al-Ata, killed in an attack by the Army last November, in an operation that sparked an intense escalation of the war for more than two days.

the members of The Likud chose this Thursday to their new leader in a primary in which the former minister Gideon Saar challenges at the polls internal to Netanyahu, head indisputable of the party during the last decade. Israel will hold the 2 of march of their third general election in less than a year.