If today, Tuesday, the Democrats in 15 U.S. States and territories to vote on their presidential candidate, delivers the rapid spread of the Coronavirus with an unexpected accompanying text. For the longest time, the Virus has become a political issue: Its impact on the U.S. economy, as well as the political exploitation of the virus disease, the presidential and congressional elections in November, with an impact on safety.

a democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders Would have, despite his radical positions have a better Chance against a weakened Donald Trump? And how strong would have to spread the Virus, so as to reduce the election chances of a Republican President really?

Trump played the danger down

Trump has painted the Americans for many years a perfect world, which was marked by stock market records, low unemployment and a diffuse American Comeback on the big world stage. Something did not fit in this picture, denied it the President, or dismissed it as an invention of political enemies.

With the Coronavirus was first as well: Trump played to the potential threat of the pathogen for the economy and society down, Yes he was among his adversaries, to stir up on purpose to panic. A pandemic would be “a significant threat” to trump’s re-election, said Mark Zandi, the rating Agency Moody’s.

Threat they wouldn’t be already, because the first reaction of the government Trump the spread of the Virus was very trust leave an impressive feeling instantly, for example, because of delayed Tests and contradictory statements from responsible. Politically disadvantageous, this could also have the initial trivialization of the disease by conservative media like Fox News or right Radio talkers like Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin.

Trumps enemies platted, in turn, from all the rushing to an opposite Story: The President is proving once again that he was ignorant and incompetent and therefore unable to lead the Nation through the crisis. Not only this representation, Trump shifted into a Rage. You animated his son, Donald junior, the Democrats on Friday to blame, she would take “millions” of deaths, to end the “winning series” of the father.

could defeat An ailing Trump maybe a democratic socialist. to be interviewed

On Sunday, the statement said Vice-President Mike Pence, she was given the liberal media and Democrats accusations of “understandable”. The President pushed on Monday: The Democrats would have criticized him, as he had “cut a few weeks ago”, the Connections to China because of the Virus, and thus “many lives” saved. And now you have fueled the fear of the Virus, tweeted Trump.

of Course, is the President aware of the fact that it is an economic crisis in the Wake of a pandemic of the trump for the re-election would deprive. Similar but could also apply to Joe Biden: His claim that he was eligible as his rival Bernie Sanders, would receive a shock, if the spread of the Virus would weaken the President politically.

Because of an injured Trump could maybe defeat a democratic socialist, even more than the American voters in a recession may be more susceptible to it would be for the policy prescriptions of Bernie Sanders.

whatever the final result: one of A pandemic caused by the crisis could influence the course of the US presidential election campaign and the election results in November.

Created: 03.03.2020, 12:04 PM