In Munich, has completed a police graduation ceremony – twice. Around 100 young people had previously met in Berg am Laim.

In Munich* feted by around 100 young people for a graduation party. The police broke up the event at midnight. The young people celebrated, however, the police moved in again.

Update, 28. June: Now also, the police reports of the incident. Accordingly, the Party could be de-escalated only with a lot of patience on the part of the officials. When the officers turned on their Body Cams, relaxed the situation finally. There were a number of place references and Advertisements for violations of the infection protection act.

Original article from the 27. June: Munich – The police has ended in Munich a high school Graduation , with around 100 young people not once, but twice. The party will have to reckon with Display due to a disturbance of the peace, and for violations of the infection control measures .

graduation celebration in Munich: police solves the event around midnight on

The young people had in the night on Saturday (27. June) in the Munich district of Berg am Laim rented a Three-room apartment in a condo-Hotel , the police announced. The officials broke up the Party around midnight, after residents had complained of a disturbance. When the police arrived, fled some of the young people through a window, such as the Bavarian radio (BR) is reported. The police spoke to the organisers from the venue, to the these only after threats of detention failed to comply.

With a large contingent of the police came to a Party in Munich. Witnesses believed to have previously heard shots.

police resolves graduation celebration in Munich, but the young people just celebrate more

But the Party was apparently continued, Because the young people partied more, went in at almost three hours later, re-calls, so the police arrived with reinforcements, and the Party finally broke up. First, the BR had reported about the incident.

Since the 22. June are allowed in Bavaria in indoor events with up to 50 persons rooms. Outdoors it may be a maximum of 100. This applies, for example, for weddings, funerals and club meetings. (it was followed/dpa)

From his window, a man in Munich has a mysterious meeting. Whether something like this to Corona-times “in the sense of the inventor” is?

All the news from Munich you always have to read with us.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.