Engaged during the last few months in a give-and-take without truce around the Brexit, the leaders of Germany, France and the United Kingdom, the three european powers signed the nuclear deal with Iran have left behind the grudges of past to launch a message clear to Tehran in the middle of a crisis by the murder of general Qasem Soleimani. “We call on Iran to avoid any violent action and we urge you to withdraw all the measures that violate the nuclear deal”, claimed in a joint statement born of a telephone conversation to three bands between the German chancellor Angela Merkel, French president Emmanuel Macron, and the british prime minister Boris Johnson.


The funeral for Soleimaini and Al Muhandis, at images USA, killing the powerful general iranian Soleimani in an attack with drones in the airport of Baghdad

The request comes just hours after Tehran’s announcement that it will cease to respect their commitments under the nuclear deal signed with six world powers in 2015, and show their intention to exceed the limits for the enrichment of uranium that mark the covenant. The treaty has faltered since the departure of U.S. to mid-2018, which led to the revival of strong sanctions against Iran, but the death of Soleimani you can assume the coup de grace and accelerate the expansion of the nuclear weapons in the middle East.

Before the unrest unleashed by the announced revenge of the iranian regime to the american attack on one of its strong men, the text calls upon both parties to start a desescalada, the same mantra repeating the community authorities since the start of hostilities. At no time is expressly referred to the united States, and are especially critical of the iranian regime. “We have condemned the recent attacks against the coalition forces in Iraq, and we are very concerned about the negative role that Iran has played in the region, including the Revolutionary Guards and its unit Al-Quds under the command of general Soleimani”, they said.

The reference to the corrupting influence of the iranian military, was killed Friday in an attack by drones, u.s. and elevated it to the status of national hero even outside the borders of his country, is a nod to Washington at a moment of maximum tension.

The leaders of the three major powers of the EU estimate that the crisis can throw away years of work on the stabilization of Iraq, and threatens to distract efforts from the battle in the area against the jihadist group Islamic State, which is considered a great priority, after the Government and the parliament iraqis demand u.s. troops leave the country. “To preserve the coalition [against Islamic State] is key. We call on the iraqi authorities to continue to provide to the coalition the support needed”.