Little information has filtered on the sequence of events, but, this Monday, June 15, official sources and local have confirmed that a military convoy composed of a dozen vehicles was attacked Sunday in the town of Bouka Weré, in the south-east of Diabaly, a hundred kilometers of the mauritanian border.

A portion of the vehicles managed to evade the assault, but, on the 64 soldiers who were in the convoy, only twenty will respond to the call, reported that a military officer, under the cover of anonymity, without encrypting the number of the dead. “Research is underway to determine the fate of soldiers reported missing “, he said. The information was confirmed by another military official and an elected official of Diabaly, speaking also under the cover of anonymity.

This is the last in date of the transactions deadly allocated to the jihadists against the armed forces of Mali, but also in neighbouring countries. They have caused the death of hundreds of military personnel in recent months.

Read also : Mali the brunt of the crisis is paid for by the civilians

mali’s military under pressure

The Mali is embroiled since 2012 in a deep crisis and multi-faceted that has left thousands dead, both civilians and fighters, and hundreds of thousands of displaced persons, despite the international community’s support to the malian government and the intervention of un forces, african and French.

If a peace agreement was signed in 2015, with the ex-rebel separatists in the North, the country is still prey to the violence of jihadist groups linked to Al-Qaida and the organization islamic State (EI), the inter-communal tensions, fomented or whipped up by these same jihadists, and traffic of all kinds.

The State authority is never exercised more than on parts of the vast territory.

The violence in parts of northern Mali in 2012 have spread to the centre of the country, as well as in Niger and Burkina Faso are neighbors.

From that of the armed groups, proclaiming jihadists for some, have gained a foothold in 2015, the centre of Mali is the scene of abuses of all kinds : attacks on the little that remains of the State, massacres of villagers, settlements of accounts and acts villainous.

These groups, the first of which are the katiba Macina of the preacher peul, Amadou Kufa, an affiliate of Al-Qaeda, have thrived on the old antagonisms linked to the earth, between pastoralists and farmers, between ethnic groups and within these communities.

The katiba Macina is recruiting widely among the Fulani, while the ethnic Bambara and Dogon have created their own ” self-defence groups “.

Read also : Mali president Keita reaches out to the coalition of the imam Dicko

The challenge is booming

The malian government is trying somehow, with the support of its allies, to pursue the military struggle and political action, which is indispensable to an exit from the crisis the general view.

president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, however, is facing a serious challenge inner, since the parliamentary elections of march-April, in a delicate moment of international engagement in the Sahel.

He reached out Sunday to the coalition motley of religious leaders, politicians and civil society that has made going out in the street dozens of Mali on 5 June to demand his resignation, and that again calls to protest on Friday.

Before the deterioration of the security situation, the president of mali has acknowledged in February that he was seeking to engage in dialogue with some jihadists, which contrasts with the guideline to be followed up officially. Nothing has come to indicate since when these openings would be met.

also Read Sahel : the civilians, the first collateral victims

writing will advise you

The african parliamentarians mobilize to Soumaïla Cissé Sahel : the accusations of abuses multiply, the UN is cause for alarm in Mali : the demonstration of the power of the imam Mahmoud Dicko Sahel : the civilians, the first collateral victims Mali : the president Keïta reaches out to the coalition of the imam Dicko Mali : the brunt of the crisis is paid for by the civilians