The two men from Wittenberg to sit in their little “radio shack”. This is not even 20 square meters large, but delivered with electronics, radio equipment, and antenna amplifiers. An ideal meeting point to a common Hobby to pursue: the spark in the short wave.

business card is compulsory

about five years old, the radio is now ready for use, a suitable frequency in the range. Günter Dähne turns again to the Controller. “Shh… hello “, you can hear To call. “Again, an Italian”, the Amateur radio operator. This Time, the reception is stronger and the noise from sounds. Ralf Theunert from the gigantic antenna on the roof of the local club’s home in Piesteritz to the South.

The connection is strong, the two men can communicate well with the Italians. What is striking in the conversation, with each message, the Amateur radio operators call a multi-digit Code – the so-called call sign. “This is our Callsign by the club, which is based device to this radio. With these number-letter combination, it is also possible for others to be, to hail us, sir, and send a business card,“ explains the Chairman of the Association of the German Amateur-Radio-Club Wittenberg (DARC), Ralf Theunert.

to send A business card after a successful connection to the other radio operator is mandatory. On this map the call sign, hometown, and the day of the successful radio contact is available. “With security, we will also get in a couple of months Post office of the Italians,” he says Günter Dähne and laughs.

On some days, the two men spend several hours in front of your radio and try to make new contacts with people around the world. “We don’t talk about the weather, but there are more topics to the electronics,” explains the 37-year-old Theunert, head of Wittenberg is a doctor’s office.

However, the Amateur radio operators don’t have to sit forcibly in a dark basement, to sparks, to. Meanwhile, there are also small devices that resemble the size of an external hard drive. “I take it with me, set me up with the antenna on the bike, find a nice mountain and then I can spark it,” he says. Not always is it the language barrier that you will be understood. Often large trees or devices, which also emit radio waves disturb the connection to the conversation partner.

more precisely can produce remember Ralf Theunert about how he has managed a radio link to the Antarctic. “This was a very special Highlight for me,” he admits. Because you can’t choose the country in which you would like to spark. “If I go through the various frequencies, I can’t decide whether I says now with a German speech or with a canadian,” his radio-comrades-in-arms, Günter Dähne.

The more exotic, the better

Both men know that it is a special Hobby. Although you could also just use your phone, but you are not about uncomplicated Chatting, rather, a self-produced radio connection – the more exotic, the better. During the Corona-crisis also remained the operators among themselves. The personal Meeting of the Association was accounted for by local “Teucheler farm”, everywhere a radio operator called to stay at home.

In this time of restrictions, the world fell amateurfunktag on 18. April. “Many Amateur radio operators sat at the day on their devices, even some from Wittenberg”, explains Dähne. A radio silence will be in the case of radio operators, probably never. (mz)

This article was written by Paul dam

*The contribution of “Amateur radio operators in Wittenberg: a Very special Hobby for Günter Dähne and Ralf Theunert” is published by Central German newspaper. Contact with the executives here.

Central German newspaper