Coup hand of chavez to avoid the re-election of Guaidó John Guaidó looking for a second chance

Luis Parra was a member of gray, such that little is involved in the discussions, a member of a commission that rarely matters, the Environment, much less in these times of struggle political in the that is in the throes of Venezuela. 41-year-old, representing the State ranger of Yaracuy and belonged to the First Justice party, which expelled him in December when his name appeared in a corruption scheme chavez together with José Brito, Conrado Perez and nine other members of other formations that belonged to the Commission of Comptroller.

Parra orchestrated the creation of a group of parliamentarians to make a lobby and wash the reputation of the businessman Carlos Lizcano, in charge of the calls Shops Clap, part of the subsidy program on food and a member of the colombian Alex Saab, a direct provider of this plan of Mature, sanctioned by the united States and investigated in other countries for corruption and illegal activities, most recently in the transactions of gold with the Mature fleet in the midst of the u.s. blockade. These were part of the revelations from a journalistic investigation of the portal Armando.Info. As part of these efforts, the deputies had made trips to Colombia, the united States and Europe to introduce “letters of good conduct” in discharge of the above mentioned.

To these allegations, the deputy defended himself by not refuting the evidence, but with insults and threats. Accused the journalist Roberto Deniz -exiled to Colombia by the judicial harassment of Saab – to be part of a network of extortion and reported a conversation that he had with him. “If I’m going on a plane with 5 deputies and 10 hookers I don’t have to tell you,” said Deniz when asked about the motivations and funding of one of those trips made in functions as a deputy. The crisis due to the corruption scheme led to a division in the support for Guaidó at the end of the year, that ended up adding to the chavismo.

Despite the expulsion of his party, in their social networks, Parra continues by saying that form part of the First Justice and doing activities in your name. In the last month began to receive the nickname of a member of the Base of the Clap, a name which is associated to a network of corruption through which the Government of Maduro has imported over-priced food of mediocre quality in order to alleviate the shortages and the hunger that there is in Venezuela. He was accused of being part of the so-called Operation Scorpion, a maneuver chavez who denounced the parliamentary opponents to buy mps to vote against the re-election of Guaidó.

This Sunday, he was seen following instructions of the head of fraction of the Psuv, Francisco Torrealba. “Sit down and here we’re not,” he said, in the midst of the turmoil that engulfed the chair that a year ago took Guaidó. He spoke from the podium of the president of the Assembly, and was sworn in by a member of chavez, Héctor Agüero, the older the campus, fulfilling the ritual that is done every time you install a new Parliament. With a megaphone informed that he had already been elected and sworn in the new board of directors, without the outgoing present and without knowing with how many votes, and has called a session for next Tuesday.