tensions continue to multiply around the issue of libya. This is the France that rises to the niche this Sunday, denouncing the actions of the regime of Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the region. Paris, who, for months, multiplies the charges against the regional ambitions of turkey is irritated to as a ” policy more aggressive and assertive Turkey, with seven Turkish ships positioned off the coast of Libya and a violation of the arms embargo “. “The Turks behave in an unacceptable manner by mobilising Nato, and France can’t let them do,” adds the French presidency.

Emmanuel Macron has already spoken on this point with the american president Donald Trump this week, and ” the exchanges will take place in the coming weeks on this topic with the Nato partners engaged on the spot “, adds the Elysium. The French president had already regretted the silence of Nato, of which Turkey is a member, to the offensive Turkish military against the militias the kurds in Syria, allies of the west in the fight against terrorism in Syria. It was then said, in November, Nato was in a state of ” brain death “.

Read also Luc de Barochez – Erdogan lady the pawn to Macron in Libya

The appeal of gas fields

on Friday, the european Union requested the support of Nato to help enforce the arms embargo in Libya, after having been prevented by the Turkish army to inspect a suspicious vessel. While the gas fields offshore of the region, inflame the lusts, the Turkey is supporting in Libya, the union government of libya (GNA) Fayez el-Sarraj, recognized by the united Nations. Thanks to his support, the GNA has imposed glaring setbacks to the forces of field marshal Khalifa Haftar, strong man of the East supported by Egypt, the united arab Emirates and Russia.

Read also the Maghreb : France rocked

Turkey has concluded, in November, a controversial agreement with the libyan authorities to be able to perform searches of hydrocarbons in the eastern Mediterranean. Like many of the riparian countries, Greece has denounced the agreement, Turkish-libyan, which considerably extends the continental shelf of Turkey. Ankara has also recently conducted exploratory drilling in the vicinity of Cyprus, sparking protests from neighboring countries, Cyprus, Greece, Egypt, as well as the european Union, which has threatened Turkey with sanctions.

writing will advise you

The letter of the Maghreb – Libya, the new Vietnam, A merchant in switzerland who is suspected of plunder of diesel libyan Bernard Bajolet : “neither in France, Nor to the CIA, there was Ms. Irma “