The race to the us presidential election is launched. Joe Biden, the rival of Donald Trump, has named Kamala Harris colistière, the democratic candidate, believing that the latter could help to “rebuild” the United States. President Donald Trump, candidate for re-election, said this Thursday, August 13, to take seriously a theory disputed that circulates on the social networks and ensuring that the senator Kamala Harris would not be eligible.

also Read Philippe Labro – ” How is Trump going to attack Kamala Harris ? “

when Asked at a press conference Thursday at the White House on “claims circulating on social networks” on the ineligibility supposed to Kamala Harris, Donald Trump answered : “I heard today that it does not meet the conditions” are the necessary requirements to be vice-president. “And, besides, the lawyer that wrote this is a lawyer, very qualified, very talented. I don’t know if this is true, ” said Donald Trump. “I would have thought that the democrats would have checked this before it was selected to stand as vice-president. “

Kamala Harris meet the requirements to be vice-president ?

“But it is very serious, it is you who say it, they say that it does not meet the conditions because it is not born in this country,” he added. The journalist then pointed out that Kamala Harris was born in the United States, but that his parents could at the time have not had the status of permanent resident. Donald Trump was referring apparently to a column published in Newsweek by the lawyer as conservative John Eastman, professor of law at the university’s Chapman, claiming that the senator of california, was not eligible to be vice-president or president because his parents were not naturalized at his birth. Kamala Harris was born in Oakland (California) in 1964, to a jamaican father and an indian mother.

Read also Who is Kamala Harris, the weapon anti-Trump to Joe Biden ?

Donald Trump had previously defended a theory complotiste putting in doubt the fact that Barack Obama, the first black president of american, was born in the United States, the sine qua non for becoming president. He had come to recognize, at the end of the presidential campaign of 2016 that Mr. Obama was born in the United States. Under the Constitution, any citizen over 35 years of age born in the United States is eligible for the position of president or vice-president.

The constitutionalist Erwin Chemerinsky told CBS that the claims with regard to Kamala Harris as ” an argument really fool “. The tribune of John Eastman had been published on the eve of the announcement by the democratic candidate Joe Biden the choice of his colistière, the first black woman presented to the post by a party of importance.

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