Joe Biden was written off in the primaries of the Democrats, almost. Now he is making a Comeback in South Carolina. The field of candidates thinned, meanwhile, is from. With great excitement all eyes are now on the “Super Tuesday”.

After three defeats in the race for the presidential nomination of the U.S. democratic Ex-Vice President Joe Biden for the first time, won a prefix – and a runaway victory. Biden said on Saturday (local time) the winner of the major area code in the state of South Carolina. “We have just won, and we won because of you,” said the 77-Year-old in front of cheering supporters in South Carolina’s capital, Columbia. Biden belongs to the moderate wing of the Democrats.

After counting more than 90 percent of the election districts in South Carolina, Biden to preliminary data, the election won Commission found that almost 50 percent of the vote. Sanders was, therefore, nearly 20 per cent. In nationwide surveys, Sanders (78) leads the field of candidates to the candidacy of the Democrats continues. Sanders have won two primaries. South Carolina was the fourth area code.

Before the “Super Tuesday”

The area code in South Carolina was the last one before the “Super Tuesday” next Tuesday. Then is elected in more than a dozen States. More than a third of the total delegates are awarded, to determine in the summer, the candidate of the Democrats. This candidate will be on 3. November against the Republican incumbent, Donald Trump in the choice of pull.

Trump has no serious intra-party competition. The Republicans have been cancelled, therefore, of their primaries in South Carolina and in several other States.

Significantly more black voters

In South Carolina were able to significantly vote more black voters than in previous primary elections in the States of Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. Biden built out to this group of voters points. This hope was fulfilled. Biden was Vice President under trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, the first black President in the United States. In the case of a defeat, Biden’s in South Carolina had been speculation about an end to his election campaign.

Biden thanked the voters in South Carolina. “A few days ago, the press and experts have declared this candidacy is dead,” said the Ex-Vice-President. “We are very much alive.” Sanders congratulated his rival on his victory. “Tonight, we have not won in South Carolina,” he said at a campaign event in Virginia Beach, Virginia. “I want Joe Biden to congratulate on his victory tonight.”

Former bearer of hope

Biden was the great hope of moderate Democrats went into the race. He had led the country-wide surveys of the candidate to the candidacy long before he was replaced at the top position of Sanders. In the previous primaries had Biden remained far below expectations. In Iowa he was only on the fourth place in New Hampshire only on rank five. In Nevada, Biden was in second place, but lengths behind Sanders.

in addition to Biden and Sanders are after the area code in South Carolina, and five other candidates in the race for the presidential nomination of the Democrats: former New York city mayor Michael Bloomberg (78), the Ex-mayor of South Bend (Indiana), Pete Buttigieg (38), Senator Amy Klobuchar (59), Senator Elizabeth Warren (70) and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (38).

Steyer gets out of the race

The billionaire and former hedge Fund Manager Tom Steyer (62) withdrew his application after a second disappointing result in South Carolina. Steyer said on Saturday evening: “I see no way I can win the presidency.” Steyer has won in the four primaries, not a single delegate. In South Carolina, he came up with a good eleven percent to the third place. The other candidates remained in single digits.

Bloomberg stepped in South Carolina – as with the other previous primaries -. The multi-billionaire is only entered late into the race and for the first time on “Super Tuesday” on the ballot. President Trump wrote on Saturday evening on Twitter, the victory of the “sleepy” Joe Biden in South Carolina should be the end of the “joke of the election campaign” of the “Mini-Mike Bloomberg”.

Buttigieg as an early starter

Buttigieg was head of the first code in Iowa at the beginning of February-to-head race with Sanders delivered, came at the end but on a bit more of the delegates. In the case of the area code, in New Hampshire itself, Sanders was able to prevail against Buttigieg. In Nevada, Buttigieg came in third place.

The primaries go until June. On nomination party days elect Democrats and Republicans finally their presidential candidate – the Democrats in July in Milwaukee (Wisconsin), the Republican Convention in August, in Charlotte (North Carolina).


Created: 01.03.2020, 01:51 PM