Friday, June 5, at the call of the influential imam Mahmoud Dicko, thousands of Malians daily confronted with socio-economic problems, poor governance and security situation has strongly deteriorated will demonstrate Independence square in Bamako to demand the resignation of the president of the Republic of Mali, Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. Issa Kaou Djime, right arm of the imam Dicko, coordinator-general and a rising figure on the CMAS (Coordination of movements, associations and supporters of the imam Mahmoud Dicko), a political organization that supports the imam, and capitalizes on its leadership and its ability to bring people together to pose as the ‘third way’ in the political arena in mali, explains the Point Africa the ins and outs of this third demonstration of strength that he hopes to be as effective as the previous one held there almost a year, and which called for the resignation of the Prime minister, Soumeylou Boubèye Maïga.

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The Point Africa : You call for a massive march this Friday to demand the resignation of the president IBK. Why are you claiming his departure and you are not afraid to put fire to the powder ?

Issa Kaou Djime : the president of the Republic is the guardian of the Constitution of mali, the guarantor of national unity and the territorial integrity of the country, it must enforce the law, he is the president of the Republic, the supreme leader. Everything depends on him and he should be the remedies and the referee at the time. When IBK came to business, Mali wished to negotiate with the tuareg rebellion, the army at this time was in Kidal, there were low banks, all central services of the State, it was the Ouagadougou agreement, but IBK said that he would not negotiate with armed men. He wanted to go from strength to Kidal, it has escalated, and the State has lost everything. He had to go see the president of mauritania at the time to try to establish a dialogue that led to the Algiers agreement on which Mali has lost the plot. In five years of this agreement, which was scheduled for six months, nothing has been resolved.

similarly, the centre of the country, when he arrived, there was no problem, today in the Centre, the State hardly exists any more and it is almost the civil war. In many parts of the country, schools are closed and it is not because of terrorism. Take a look at the governance, all the scandals that erupted under his regime : there were more than 1 300 billion for the military programming, the money has been diverted, the case of the fertilizer adulterated, the presidential plane which we still do not know what is the true amount, the money of APCAM that has been hijacked. The people who should be prosecuted have not been. The people had only a single recourse, the elections, but here also things are not done on regular basis. So Friday will be a referendum, if the people of lot by a million, the international community, the PTF will see that IBK is no longer legitimate, that the people had turned back, they will either need to be with the people or with the regime that is corrupt. IBK is the problem of Mali and the solution is his departure.

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This ” referendum “, to use your expression, will he rather bamakois or mali ?

there are many regional, which will converge to Bamako for this great walk. Sikasso to Kayes passing through Mopti and Koutiala, they will come from everywhere. Given the context of safe, we have not wanted to take on the entire territory, because we are aware that we have problems. If these people come from the regions to protest in Bamako, this means that a majority of the people agreed. In addition, the symbols of the State are in Bamako. This Friday, when the people come out by the millions, this will be a way to show effectively that IBK is no longer legitimate.

Mahmoud Dicko, already one of the most influential religious leaders of Mali, was also launched in policy in September 2019. © MICHELE CATTANI / AFP

What do you do if the president IBK does not resign ?

It is the people who will decide on the resignation of IBK, it is the people who gave him this mandate. If the people said ” we don’t want him “, if it is a democrat, he will have to resign.

You think then that it will ?

This is not up to me to think of it, it is the people who will decide, the last word belongs to the people, not to IBK. Friday will be a test that will see if the people massively, if this is the case, IBK will not be able to stay in power. And we not only wish that the president IBK resigned, but also his entire regime. We are not targeting a person, we want a system change.

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How do you see the future if the president resigns it like you mean it ?

We will have to go to a Fourth Republic. If we want to change institutions, if we want to change the system, we need to move towards a Fourth Republic.

In this Fourth Republic that you are calling from your vows, what will be the role of the CMAS ?

It is the people who will appreciate it, because we are going to create a democratic framework that will allow all political forces to come together to work towards what is good for Mali, while taking into account the fact that democracy must be the basis and that Mali will remain in everything he has signed or ratified with its partners. The current problem for us, it is the system, this is not the international community, nor the PTF, the problem is IBK and his regime.

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What do you think of the reminder of the constitutional Court concerning the running of Friday ?

This is the stuffing ! The president of the constitutional Court Manassa Dagnoko fusses every time we want to do great events. When we launched the CMAS, she said that it was not legal. But, for walking of Friday, the governorate has given us the permission, so it means that his agitation was not necessary, its role is not to make the police force, he is to judge the conformity of laws, judge of the sincerity of the elections. It is not the institution, she is head of this institution. This Court is challenged and the legislative elections have shown that it is no longer legitimate and that the legislative elections have not been regular elections, everyone is in agreement on that, the population, the political class, all of the world. It is understood that Manassa Dagnoko is there to the regime and not to ensure on the authenticity of the ballots and see the constitutionality of laws, it is the output of its prerogatives, it has chosen to serve the regime and not democracy, for what reason ? It is she who knows. We know that it is no longer legitimate. For us, it is just a detail.

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